
I am going type the below command to get the information of keytool

keytool -list -v -keystore “C:\Users\key\.android\debug.keystore” -alias androiddebugkey -   storepass android -keypass android

however, it said my key file is not exist.


Btw I am using key in my user name, I dont know it is related or not. Please help me if You know what happen. Thanks.

I have used the highest premission to run cmd but it is the same result.

Here are the snap shot about the path of keytool and androiddebugkey

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La solution

Its Simple.Try replacing your double quotes “ and ” with ". They are different in command prompt.

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i have one more solution to this problem. Simple press Ctrl+shift+Right Click you will get option Open command window here open Command Window . Do all this where your debug.keystore file exist & paste this line keytool -list -v keystore debug.keystore and it will ask for password Enter android as default Password. Imean to say follow this steps You will surely get rid of your problem.Its working From myside.Hope this will solve your problem.

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