
How to get current system year as a number in prolog. I found this. But it gives the year as a string.

today(Today) :- get_time(X), format_time(atom(Today), '%Y', X).


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La solution

As mbratch notes in the comments to my answer, format_time/3 is for displaying date and time values. If I just needed the data, I wouldn't use format_time/3, but rather stamp_date_time/3 and date_time_value/3 to convert the time stamp into the values you need. Documentation on the relevant predicates can be found here.

To get the current year, a predicate like this will suffice:

year(Year) :-
    stamp_date_time(Stamp, DateTime, local),
    date_time_value(year, DateTime, Year).

Here is a descriptions of the built-in predicates used:

  • get_time/2 gives a float representing the elapsed time since the Unix Epoch.
  • stamp_date_time/3 converts the stamp to a term date/9, according to the time-zone indicated by the third argument. When the time-zone argument is local it gets the time-zone which your system takes to be local. An example of date/9:

    date(2014, 3, 29, 8, 8, 59.30211305618286, 21600, 'MDT', true)

  • date_time_value/3: lets you extract values from a date/9 term (so you don't have to do silly things like date(Year,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_) to get a simple value).

Your question asks for the year, but your example predicate looks like it describes today's date, which would look like this:

today(Today) :-
    stamp_date_time(Stamp, DateTime, local),
    date_time_value(date, DateTime, Today).

The with the date keyword, date_time_value/3 will instantiate Today to a term date/3, holding the year, month, and day: e.g., date(2014, 3, 29).

Really, it's a bit silly that the library requires three statements to get a common date-time value, so if you're handling time and dates often, you might just want to use a general purpose predicate like

get_date_time_value(Key, Value) :-
    stamp_date_time(Stamp, DateTime, local),
    date_time_value(Key, DateTime, Value).

Which will return the current numerical value corresponding to the given Key:

?- get_date_time_value(day, X).
X = 29.

?- get_date_time_value(year, X).
X = 2014.

?- get_date_time_value(date, X).
X = date(2014, 3, 29).
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