
I have once asked this question and after hours of research I think the answers are not suitable and do not fix my issue. Please inspect this code:

 #include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Test
    friend Test Problem();
    int get_a ();
    int* a;

Test::Test(int x)
    a = new int[1];
    *a = x;

    delete [] a;

Test Problem()
    Test doomed(1);
    int* doomed_too = new int[1];
    *doomed_too = 99;
    doomed.a = doomed_too;
    return doomed;

int Test::get_a()
    return *a;

int main()
    Test Sniffer = Problem();
    if (Sniffer.get_a() == 99) cout << "You saved me! Thanks!";
    return 0;

Yes, I know that object doomed will be destroyed before returned to object Sniffer, so Sniffer will get random value from the freed memory of the Heap. My issue is - how to save the "life" of this object doomed? Can you provide working code/"fix"?

Furthermore, I know this specific example has many workarounds but on the project I am working on I am not allowed to do such workarounds (no strings, no vectors, just dynamic array of ints without using further libraries and complications).

I will be glad if you can test your solution first (before answering).

I did lot of research on this topic and I am amused that all the lectures and examples always use not-dynamic private members or if they use in their examples dynamic private members they always "skip" to show operator+ overloading or operator* overloading (just examples).

How can we make operator+ overloading public-member function of a given Class, if the same Class do posses a dynamic private-member - for example int* n?

Était-ce utile?

La solution

You should implement a copy constructor:

Test::Test(const Test& other)
  this->a = new int;
  *this->a = *other.a;

Some other problems:

  • why you create a = new int[1]? it should be just a = new int

  • if you really need a = new int[1] the corresponding delete for arrays in C++ should usually be delete [] a.

Alternatively, you can use a smart pointer (std::tr1::shared_ptr or similar, depending on your compiler), see

Autres conseils

Without a custom copy constructor and copy assignment operator, you are creating multiple objects that point to the same memory. That's the source of your problem.

Whenever you have a class that allocates memory for its member data in its constructor, you also need to implement the copy constructor and copy assignment operator. Please read The Rule of Three.

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