
Étant donné le tableau suivant:

    [143] => Car #1
    [144] => Car #2
    [145] => Car #3

Je suis actuellement en utilisant ce

implode(', ', array_values($car_names))

pour générer une chaîne comme

Car # 1, # 2 voitures, voiture # 3

Je voudrais obtenir quelque chose comme en fait

Car # 1, # 2 voitures et voiture # 3

L'idée serait d'insérer « et » entre les deux derniers éléments du tableau.

Si le tableau arrive à contenir deux paires clé / valeur (par exemple, l'utilisateur dispose de 2 voitures), il n'y aurait pas des virgules.

Car # 1 et # 2 voitures

Et si le tableau contient une clé / valeur (par exemple, l'utilisateur a 1 voiture)

Car # 1

Toute suggestion comment y parvenir? J'ai essayé d'utiliser array_splice mais je ne suis pas sûr que ce la voie à suivre (par exemple, l'insertion d'un nouvel élément dans le tableau).

Merci de nous aider!

Était-ce utile?

La solution

I think you probably want something like this, using array_pop to get the last element off the end of the array. You can then implode the rest of the array, and add the last element in a custom fashion:

$last_value = array_pop($car_names);
$output = implode(', ', array_values($car_names));
$output .= ($output ? ' and ' : '') . $last_value;

Edit: added conditional to check if the array had only one element.

Autres conseils

$last = array_pop($car_names);
echo implode(', ', $car_names) . ' AND ' . $last;

A preg_replace can look for the last command just just swap it to an and

$yourString = preg_replace( "/, ([\w#]*)$/", "and \1", $yourString );

This solution is a bit longer, but tested for all array sizes and it is a complete solution. Also, it doesn't modify the array like the above answers and is separated into a function.

function arrayToString($arr) {
    $count = count($arr);
    if ($count <= 2) {
        return implode(' and ', $arr);
    $result = '';
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($arr as $item) {
        if ($i) $result .= ($i == $count - 1) ? ' and ' : ', ';
        $result .= $item;
    return $result;

Compacted version with ugly formatting and ignoring good practices like initializing variables:

function arrayToString($arr) {
    if (count($arr) <= 2) return implode(' and ', $arr);
    foreach ($arr as $item) {
        if ($i) $result .= ($i == count($arr) - 1) ? ' and ' : ', ';
        $result .= $item; $i++;
    return $result;

I'm not sure there's a built in function for this, but something like this should work.

$last = $car_names[count($car_names)-1];
$implodedString = implode(', ', array_values($car_names))
$implodedString = str_replace(", $last", "and $last", $implodedString);

That's an example with the functions named in my comment above:

  1. strrpos() - Find the position of the last occurrence of a substring in a string
  2. substr() - Return part of a string

and the code:

$text = implode(', ', array_values($car_names));
$last = strrpos($text, ',');
if ($last) $text = substr($text, 0, $last-1) . ' AND ' . substr($text, $last+1);
echo $text;

There are a number of ways you could do this. Here's another.

$cars = array('Car #1', 'Car #2', 'Car #3', 'Car #4');
$car = array('Car #1');
$twocars = array('Car #1', 'Car #2');

function arrayToText($arr) {
    switch (count($arr)) {
    case 1:
        return $arr[0];
    case 2:
        return implode($arr, ' and ');
        $last = array_pop($arr);
        return implode($arr, ', ') . ' and ' . $last;

echo '<p>' . arrayToText($cars) . "</p>\n";
echo '<p>' . arrayToText($twocars) . "</p>\n";
echo '<p>' . arrayToText($car) . "</p>\n";


<p>Car #1, Car #2, Car #3 and Array</p>
<p>Car #1 and Car #2</p>
<p>Car #1</p>
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