
My program is a question/answer task:

-participant must press on space (keyboard) bar to play a sound -participant must after that press on one of the two button (mouse) -participant must press on space bar to play a sound ...

The problem is, I want to allow only one press on space bar, because user can press many time on space and play the sound x times. How to block the figure1_KeyPressFcn while waiting the mouse response, and once we have the mouse response we reactivate the function ?

 function figure1_KeyPressFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
     switch eventdata.Key
        case 'space'          
                %% processing  x task  
                %playing sounds 1000 ms
                guidata(hObject, handles); %%// Save handles data


function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
%processing task
guidata(hObject, handles);  %%// Save the handles data

function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
%processing task
guidata(hObject, handles);  %%// Save the handles data
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La solution

You could use a global flag, something like this:

global clicked;
clicked = true;

Then, on your figure1_KeyPressFcn function, you only call the switch if the user has clicked, like this:

global clicked;
if clicked
    switch eventdata.Key
        case 'space'          
            clicked = false;
            %% processing  x task  

And on both your pushbutton?_Callback's, you add this:

global clicked;
clicked = true;

To set clicked to true and allow figure1_KeyPressFcn to process space keys again.

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