
I 'm beginner in sencha touch 2 and i need to call webservice.The code of web service is:

public function loginAction()
        $request  = $this->getRequest();
        $username = $request->request->get('username');
        $password= $request->request->get('password');


        $userManager = $this->get('fos_user.user_manager');
        $user = $userManager->findUserBy(array('username' => $username));

        if (! $user)

          $token="username not exists";


        $factory = $this->get('security.encoder_factory'); 
        $encoder = $factory->getEncoder($user); 
        $password = $encoder->encodePassword($password, $user->getSalt()); 

         if ($password!=$password_user)
           $token="password incorrect"; 




        $info= array("token" => $token);

        $res=array("success"=> $success);

        $res = array("status"=> $res,

        $serializer = $this->get('jms_serializer');
        $response = $serializer->serialize($res,'json');

        return new Response($response);


and i make in project sencha a view: Login.js and a controller: Login.js. The problem is in calling the web service and the code in controller Login.js:

Ext.define('Sample.controller.Login', {
    extend: '',
    config: {
        refs: {
            loginView: 'loginview',
            mainMenuView: 'mainmenuview'
        control: {
            loginView: {
                signInCommand: 'onSignInCommand'
            mainMenuView: {
                onSignOffCommand: 'onSignOffCommand'

    // Session token

    sessionToken: null,

    // Transitions
    getSlideLeftTransition: function () {
        return { type: 'slide', direction: 'left' };

    getSlideRightTransition: function () {
        return { type: 'slide', direction: 'right' };

    onSignInCommand: function (view, username, password) {

        console.log('Username: ' + username + '\n' + 'Password: ' + password);

        var me = this,
            loginView = me.getLoginView();

        if (username.length === 0 || password.length === 0) {

            loginView.showSignInFailedMessage('Please enter your username and password.');

            xtype: 'loadmask',
            message: 'Signing In...'

            url: 'http://localhost/dawinilastversion/web/app_dev.php/api/login',
            method: 'post',
            params: {
                username: username,
                password: password
            success: function (response) {

                var loginResponse = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);

                if (loginResponse.success === "true") {
                    // The server will send a token that can be used throughout the app to confirm that the user is authenticated.
                    me.sessionToken = loginResponse.sessionToken;
                    me.signInSuccess();     //Just simulating success.
                } else {
            failure: function (response) {
                me.sessionToken = null;
                me.signInFailure('Login failed. Please try again later.');

    signInSuccess: function () {
        console.log('Signed in.');
        var loginView = this.getLoginView();
        mainMenuView = this.getMainMenuView();

        Ext.Viewport.animateActiveItem(mainMenuView, this.getSlideLeftTransition());

    singInFailure: function (message) {
        var loginView = this.getLoginView();

    onSignOffCommand: function () {

        var me = this;

            url: 'http://localhost/dawinilastversion/web/app_dev.php/api/login',
            method: 'post',
            params: {
                sessionToken: me.sessionToken
            success: function (response) {

                // TODO: You need to handle this condition.
            failure: function (response) {

                // TODO: You need to handle this condition.

        Ext.Viewport.animateActiveItem(this.getLoginView(), this.getSlideRightTransition());

And the web service login work with success:enter image description hereenter image description here

Était-ce utile?

La solution

you need to go one step deeper into the JSON response:

if (loginResponse.status.success === true)

and check against the bool true not the string true

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