
I have a problem understanding how I can automatically close a batch file that was started from another batch file.

My first batch file looks like this:

@echo off

start C:\Users\Kenturrac\Desktop\copy.bat

timeout 2

goto logs

So as you can see there, I start another batch file called "copy.bat" which looks like that:

::set arma path
@set ARMAPATH=C:\Users\Administrator.WIN-B8I65OIU3DJ\Desktop\server\dayz_epoch_1

::set log path
@set MOVEORCOPY=copy

:: Berechne Zeitstempel
@set DAY=%DATE:~0,2%
@set MONTH=%DATE:~3,2%
@set YEAR=%DATE:~6,4%

@set HH=%TIME:~0,2%
@IF "%TIME:~0,1%"==" " (
    set HH=0%TIME:~1,1%
@set MIN=%TIME:~3,2%
@set SEC=%TIME:~6,2%
@set TIME=%HH%%MIN%

    @set TEMPPATH=%DATE%_-_%TIME%
) ELSE ( 
    @set TEMPPATH=%DATE%_-_%TIME%_%SEC%


Exit /b

The problem is that it doesn't close the additional cmd window it started for the "copy.bat". If I use "call" instead of "start", it will mess up the "temppath" variable.

Était-ce utile?

La solution

Assuming the second batch file does something more than setting environment variables to values that will be discarded as the batch file is started in a new process, and if the only concern not to use call instead of start is the protection of the values of the variables in the first process, use setlocal / endlocal instructions in the second batch to avoid the problem of file close and the interference in the values of the variables.

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