how to refer both view model and global syles.xaml page in the User Control page in WPF


  •  23-07-2023
  •  | 


I am new to WPF and I am using a MVVM pattern. I have a view model that has to be refer in the view and at the same time I have a global styles that has to be refer. I am adding the references in resources of the User Control Page, but it is not allowing two references. only one refrence can be added. below is my code.

    <vm:UpdateControlViewModel  x:Key="UpdateControlViewModel">    
//here i want to add style refrence.

any help would be appreciated.

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La solution

you have to use a resource dictionary. something as below.

                <ResourceDictionary Source="../Resources/Styles.xaml"></ResourceDictionary>
    <vm:UpdateControlViewModel  x:Key="UpdateControlViewModel"></vm:UpdateControlViewModel>

considering your styles.xaml page is in resources folder of your project. hope this helps.

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