
After experimenting with trying to implement C-for loops in Python, the following function was developed:

import sys

def rof(init, cond, post):
    init, cond, post, context = compile(init, '<rof>', 'exec'), \
                                compile(cond, '<rof>', 'eval'), \
                                compile(post, '<rof>', 'exec'), \
    context = context.f_globals, context.f_locals
    exec(init, *context)
    while eval(cond, *context):
        yield None
        exec(post, *context)

As any programmer knows, the new function needed to be tested to make sure it works:


class Employee:

    def __init__(self, employee_id, category, hired, salary, years):

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
                               ', '.join(map(repr, self)))

    def __iter__(self):
        yield self.employee_id
        yield self.category
        yield self.hired
        yield self.salary
        yield self.years

database = [Employee(123, 'P', 2014, 2000, 0),
            Employee(234, 'F', 2000, 20000, 14),
            Employee(123, 'F', 2010, 10000, 4)]

The code runs without errors in some cases (such as the one below):

Trial 1

for _ in rof('a = 0', 'a < len(database)', 'a += 1'):
    employee_id = database[a].employee_id
    for _ in rof('b = len(database) - 1', 'b > a', 'b -= 1'):
        if database[b].employee_id == employee_id:
            print(database[b], 'is being removed.')
            del database[b]

However, it does not work when the loops are in a separate function.

Trial 2

def remove_duplicates(database):
    a = b = int
    for _ in rof('a = 0', 'a < len(database)', 'a += 1'):
        employee_id = database[a].employee_id
        for _ in rof('b = len(database) - 1', 'b > a', 'b -= 1'):
            if database[b].employee_id == employee_id:
                print(database[b], 'is being removed.')
                del database[b]


An error is generatated instead (TypeError: list indices must be integers, not type).

We can all agree that this code in not Pythonic, but can anyone identify what is causing the problem and how to fix it?

Était-ce utile?

La solution

In Python 3 it is not possible to create new local variables into locals() as the set of local variables is deducted at compile time. Especially if you modify remove_duplicates so that it does not have the a = b = int line, Python does not consider these names to refer to a local but a global variable. With the presence of that line, they are considered to be a local variable, yes.

Also, changing the locals is not possible through the frame object, as in Python 3 the local variables are not stored in a dictionary anymore. Instead, on CPython 3 the frame.f_locals access creates a copy of the variables using PyFrame_FastToLocals, but it is normally a one-way trip. Thus while you can read the values of the variables, no changes will be propagated, and a and b continue to is int. However (module) global variables are still stored in a dictionary that is directly accessible through the frame.f_globals; and the dictionary is open for changes.

However, there is a blog post by the PyDev maintainer on how to achieve this on CPython 3. Thus the following rof implementation seems to do the trick for me:

def apply(frame):
    ctypes.pythonapi.PyFrame_LocalsToFast(ctypes.py_object(frame), ctypes.c_int(0))

def rof(init, cond, post):
    init, cond, post, context = compile(init, '<rof>', 'exec'), \
                                compile(cond, '<rof>', 'eval'), \
                                compile(post, '<rof>', 'exec'), \

    exec(init, context.f_globals, context.f_locals)
    while eval(cond, context.f_globals, context.f_locals):
        yield None
        exec(post, context.f_globals, context.f_locals)

I think this is code is an abomination if anything, and recommend that instead of this, the hypothetical programmers would know how to change a C for loop into a C while loop... and work it into Python from there. And it still cannot work without giving initial value to these variables within the function body anyway.

Thus I propose an alternative rof implementation:

def rof(init, cond, post):
    print('while {}:'.format(cond))
    print('    # code goes here')
    print('    ' + post)

rof('b = len(database) - 1', 'b > a', 'b -= 1')


b = len(database) - 1
while b > a:
    # code goes here
    b -= 1

which is what ought to be written anyway.

though there is not much wrong in this case with:

for a in range(len(database)):
    for b in range(len(database) - 1, a, -1):
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