
J'ai très peu connaissance de SharePoint et je veux en savoir plus sur SharePoint 2013. La plupart des ressources que j'ai trouvées sont sur ce qui est de neuf en 2013, soit un tas de liens avec SharePoint 2010.

Je n'ai pas aussi le temps de lire un livre de milliers de pages.Cent ou deux iraient bien.

Quelqu'un peut-il recommander une ressource (site / livre / vidéo / tutoriel) pour un débutant pour apprendre les bases de SharePoint 2013 dans quelques jours?

J'ai téléchargé un kindle livre ", commençant par SharePoint 2013."Il est parfait pour les débutants absolus, qui veulent simplement savoir comment télécharger et télécharger des documents, mais je cherche plus que cela.

Était-ce utile?

La solution

You can start from

Also as SharePoint 2013 is very similar to SharePoint 2010 you could periodically stumble into some articles related to SP2010. I could suggest some things to keep in mind about their differences:

  • InfoPath seems to be deprecated in SP2013. So take a look at ASP.Net forms instead.
  • New SP2013 Workflow manager doesn't support code workflows, so don't waste your time to understand how Visual Studio (code) WFs work in SP2010 (it is very difficult part of the development which is not actual anymore).
  • Pay some attention to Client Side Object Model. It is becoming very common (especially in new SP2013 apps) to use it.

Autres conseils

this is a good link to microsoft with video tutorials that show 14 modules

programming is not a big deal as that is same as most, its learning the product that is the issue, once you know the product youll be a master ;) but as everything it takes time and to do it in 2 days is impossible! youll find these vids very very helpful and esy to watch

for developers

Learn about apps for Office and SharePoint with this interactive course offering developer-focused how to training and walkthrough videos.

Important: These videos are based on an earlier preview version of Office 2013, SharePoint 2013, and Visual Studio so you might notice a few discrepancies.

Get a quick overview of the different kinds of SharePoint development projects

Get started developing apps for SharePoint

for IT pros

Find IT pro-focused how-to training and walkthrough videos with this interactive course about SharePoint 2013 including changes and new features for search, social, plus deployment and performance/scalability.

hope it helps :)

I have to echo what aliSharepoint wrote that the challenge isn't necessarily the programming, it's learning Sharepoint. Almost everything you will do in SP will be more difficult than any other development platform. This is primarily because, unlike other platforms - you need to know server maintenance, administration, and development to be a Sharepoint Developer.

This is my suggestion for how to approach from a project perspective

  1. Start with an overview. Get familiar with the various SP architectures: take a look at the Microsoft Technical Diagrams
  2. Compare and Contrast Sharepoint with other types of development platforms
  3. Get very familiar with SP terminology. A lot of words Microsoft uses are used very differently in industry
  4. Decide on the features you will need for your project and spend 1-2 days understanding how each feature works and how it relates with other SP features/services
  5. Configuring Search, How to install and use Apps?, Work Flows, Permissions and Authentication
  6. Read and follow best practices for each of these. Best practices for Document Management

  7. Setup your development environment

  8. Get familiar with how templates and site design work in SP
  9. SP CSS Selectors are so convoluted that people created entire libraries just to figure out what each one does. but thank goodness for resources like this:

  10. Beware you can spend years working on xml errors when you upload an html masterpage template not made specifically for SP. You cannot use Bootstrap with SP without modification

How to anything SP

At the outset none of these things seem really difficult but it's the idiosyncrasies of SP that make everything a lot harder than they normally would be. That's all for now. my list will probably change as I learn more.

Good Luck!

pluralsight is a great training resource, well worth the subscription price.

As others have mentioned, don't expect too much in a short amount of time. SharePoint is a large platform, and touches many different technologies. It has a large number of nuances that you can experience. Your best bet would be read or watch as much as possible, start slow, and ask lot's of questions. If at all possible setup a test environment to use while learning. If a test environment is not possible, make sure you have good backups in case something goes wrong.

I found SharePoint training presentations on the Microsoft site, which is very much helpful in understanding sharepoint 2013.

This is not a subject matter to take on as if your going to become an intermediate developer in 21 days or so. A couple of years ago I went from some experience developing ASP.Net to full-blown 2007 SharePoint developer by taking a 6-month intensive training Masters boot camp (I also had to spend $$$$$ to take that. That course taught me what to do and what not to do... Very hands on and worth every penny. Do I think I could learn 2013 in a couple of days? With this background not a problem with no experience? Doubtful, but some people here have given you some good resources to start with and when working in the app world of 2013 SP google is your best friend so have at it. And have fun too, experiment. You just might be the next MVP at a SharePoint conference.

This is a tough question and something I get asked all the time on SharePoint-Community.Net. it really depends how you prefer to learn (books, video, hands-on) and also how much budget you have. I wrote up some options on "How to learn SharePoint for beginners". Hope it's of some help to you.

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