
J'ai créé un BST plein d'objets WordInfo qui ont un vecteur d'indiquer lequel des autres objets WordInfo est un synonyme ou antonyme. Chaque mot est identifié par un entier sur son fichier source, dictionary.txt. Le BST a reçu à ce jour sa liste de mots, mais j'ai du mal à remplir les synonymes. Pour parler franchement, je suis assez confus sur la façon de faire mes objets interagissent la façon dont je le veux.

Voilà où je pense est au cœur de mon problème:

 //--function for getting synonyms in a vector
    void pushSynonyms(string synline, BST <WordInfo> wordTree)
           int lineSize = synline.size();

             const char *aux;


             int index=0;

             int searchedOne= aux[0]; 
             //wanting to find an element in the tree with this ID

             //lacking:  search function

             while (index<=lineSize){
             mySynonyms.push_back (aux[index]); 



#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

#include <sstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vector>

#include "MiBST.h"

using namespace std;

class WordInfo {


      WordInfo() {
          // nothing to define?       

      ~WordInfo() {
           //nothing to define?       

      //--id accesor
      int id () const {return myId;}

      //--input function for filling Words
      void readWords (istream &in)

      //--function for getting synonyms in a vector
    void pushSynonyms(string synline, BST <WordInfo> wordTree)
           int lineSize = synline.size();

             const char *aux;


             int index=0;

             int searchedOne= aux[0];

             //lacking: define search function

             while (index<=lineSize){
             mySynonyms.push_back (aux[index]); 



      //--function for getting antonyms in a vector
      void pushAntonyms(string synline, BST <WordInfo> wordTree )
           int lineSize = synline.size();

             const char *aux;


             int index=0;

             // now I need fo find the right words to pair up

             while (index<=lineSize){
             myAntonyms.push_back (aux[index]); 



      //--output function
      void printWords (ostream &out)
         out<<myId<<" "<<word;     

      //--equals operator
      bool operator == (const WordInfo &otherWordInfo) const
      { return myId == otherWordInfo.myId;}

      //--equals operator for String
      bool operator == (const string & aString) const
      {return word ==aString;}

      //--less than operator
      bool operator < (const WordInfo & otherWordInfo)const
      {return myId<otherWordInfo.myId;}

      //--more than operator
      bool operator > (const WordInfo &otherWordInfo) const
      { return myId > otherWordInfo.myId;}

              vector<int> mySynonyms;
              vector <int> myAntonyms;
              string word;
              int myId;


      //--- Definition of input operator
      istream & operator>>(istream & in, WordInfo & word)


           //I want to call word.readSyns(in) too, how?

      //---Definition of output operator

      ostream & operator <<(ostream &out, WordInfo &word)

      int main() {

          //search each word by id and 
          // define its synonyms

          string wordFile;

          cout<< "enter name of dictionary file: ";
          getline (cin,wordFile);

          ifstream inStream(;

           cerr<<"cannot open "<<wordFile<<"\n";

          //build the bst of word records
          BST <WordInfo> wordTree; //BST of word records

          WordInfo aword; // a word record

          //--loop that fills tree with words
          while((inStream>> aword && (!(aword=="synonyms"))))

          string line;

          //--loop that takes synonyms
          while((inStream>>line)&& (line!="antonyms")){

                 aword.pushSynonyms(line, wordTree);                    

          //--loop that takes antonyms           
           while(inStream >> line) {

               if (inStream.eof())break; 



          return 0;

fichier d'en-tête:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>


template <typename DataType>
class BST
  /***** Function Members *****/

  bool empty() const;

  bool search(const DataType & item) const;

  void insert(const DataType & item);

  void remove(const DataType & item);

  void inorder(std::ostream & out) const;

  void graph(std::ostream & out) const;

  /***** Node class *****/
  class BinNode 
    DataType data;
    BinNode * left;
    BinNode * right;

    // BinNode constructors
    // Default -- data part is default DataType value; both links are null.
    : left(0), right(0)

    // Explicit Value -- data part contains item; both links are null.
    BinNode(DataType item)
    : data(item), left(0), right(0)

}; //end inner class

typedef BinNode * BinNodePointer; 

  /***** Private Function Members *****/
  void search2(const DataType & item, bool & found,
               BinNodePointer & locptr, BinNodePointer & parent) const;
   Locate a node containing item and its parent.

   Precondition:  None.
   Postcondition: locptr points to node containing item or is null if 
       not found, and parent points to its parent.#include <iostream>

  void inorderAux(std::ostream & out, 
                  BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer subtreePtr) const;
    Inorder traversal auxiliary function.

    Precondition:  ostream out is open; subtreePtr points to a subtree 
        of this BST.
    Postcondition: Subtree with root pointed to by subtreePtr has been
        output to out.

  void graphAux(std::ostream & out, int indent,
                      BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer subtreeRoot) const;
    Graph auxiliary function.

    Precondition:  ostream out is open; subtreePtr points to a subtree 
        of this BST.
    Postcondition: Graphical representation of subtree with root pointed 
        to by subtreePtr has been output to out, indented indent spaces.

 /***** Data Members *****/
  BinNodePointer myRoot; 

}; // end of class template declaration

//--- Definition of constructor
template <typename DataType>
inline BST<DataType>::BST()
: myRoot(0)

//--- Definition of empty()
template <typename DataType>
inline bool BST<DataType>::empty() const
{ return myRoot == 0; }

//--- Definition of search()
template <typename DataType>
bool BST<DataType>::search(const DataType & item) const
   typename BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer locptr = myRoot;

   typename BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer parent =0;

/*   BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer locptr = myRoot;
   parent = 0; */ //falta el typename en la declaracion original

   bool found = false;
   while (!found && locptr != 0)
      if (item < locptr->data)       // descend left
        locptr = locptr->left;
      else if (locptr->data < item)  // descend right
        locptr = locptr->right;
      else                           // item found
        found = true;
   return found;

//--- Definition of insert()
template <typename DataType>
inline void BST<DataType>::insert(const DataType & item)
   typename BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer 
        locptr = myRoot,   // search pointer
        parent = 0;        // pointer to parent of current node
   bool found = false;     // indicates if item already in BST
   while (!found && locptr != 0)
      parent = locptr;
      if (item < locptr->data)       // descend left
         locptr = locptr->left;
      else if (locptr->data < item)  // descend right
         locptr = locptr->right;
      else                           // item found
         found = true;
   if (!found)
   {                                 // construct node containing item

      locptr = new typename BST<DataType>::BinNode(item);  
      if (parent == 0)               // empty tree
         myRoot = locptr;
      else if (item < parent->data )  // insert to left of parent
         parent->left = locptr;
      else                           // insert to right of parent
         parent->right = locptr;
      std::cout << "Item already in the tree\n";

//--- Definition of remove()
template <typename DataType>
void BST<DataType>::remove(const DataType & item)
   bool found;                      // signals if item is found
   typename BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer 
      x,                            // points to node to be deleted
      parent;                       //    "    " parent of x and xSucc
   search2(item, found, x, parent);

   if (!found)
      std::cout << "Item not in the BST\n";
   if (x->left != 0 && x->right != 0)
   {                                // node has 2 children
      // Find x's inorder successor and its parent
      typename BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer xSucc = x->right;
      parent = x;
      while (xSucc->left != 0)       // descend left
         parent = xSucc;
         xSucc = xSucc->left;

     // Move contents of xSucc to x and change x 
     // to point to successor, which will be removed.
     x->data = xSucc->data;
     x = xSucc;
   } // end if node has 2 children

   // Now proceed with case where node has 0 or 2 child
   typename BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer 
      subtree = x->left;             // pointer to a subtree of x
   if (subtree == 0)
      subtree = x->right;
   if (parent == 0)                  // root being removed
      myRoot = subtree;
   else if (parent->left == x)       // left child of parent
      parent->left = subtree; 
   else                              // right child of parent
      parent->right = subtree;
   delete x;

//--- Definition of inorder()
template <typename DataType>
inline void BST<DataType>::inorder(std::ostream & out) const
   inorderAux(out, myRoot); 

//--- Definition of graph()
template <typename DataType>
inline void BST<DataType>::graph(std::ostream & out) const
{ graphAux(out, 0, myRoot); }

//--- Definition of search2()
template <typename DataType>
void BST<DataType>::search2(const DataType & item, bool & found,
                            BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer & locptr, 
                            BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer & parent) const
   locptr = myRoot;
   parent = 0;
   found = false;
   while (!found && locptr != 0)
      if (item < locptr->data)       // descend left
         parent = locptr;
         locptr = locptr->left;
      else if (locptr->data < item)  // descend right
         parent = locptr;
         locptr = locptr->right;
      else                           // item found
         found = true;
//--- Definition of inorderAux()
template <typename DataType>
void BST<DataType>::inorderAux(std::ostream & out, 
                               BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer subtreeRoot) const
   if (subtreeRoot != 0)
      inorderAux(out, subtreeRoot->left);    // L operation
      out << subtreeRoot->data << "  ";      // V operation
      inorderAux(out, subtreeRoot->right);   // R operation

//--- Definition of graphAux()

template <typename DataType>
void BST<DataType>::graphAux(std::ostream & out, int indent, 
                             BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer subtreeRoot) const
  if (subtreeRoot != 0)
      graphAux(out, indent + 8, subtreeRoot->right);
      out << std::setw(indent) << " " << subtreeRoot->data << std::endl;
      graphAux(out, indent + 8, subtreeRoot->left);



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Était-ce utile?

La solution

En laissant de côté les commentaires d'autres ont fait - je l'avoue qu'il ya plus de code dans cet exemple que je suis prêt à regarder - Je pense que le problème fondamental que vous rencontrez est que votre fonction recherche de recherche existant par objet, alors que vous en avez besoin qui recherche par l'identifiant. Créer une nouvelle fonction de recherche qui prend l'identifiant comme paramètre et itérer votre arbre comparant l'identifiant de l'objet WordInfo courant à l'ID passé. Lorsque vous trouvez celui avec l'id correspondant, le retourner (au lieu de retourner vrai / faux de savoir s'il a été constaté). Si vous ne trouvez pas un objet avec l'id correspondant, return null. Vous aurez besoin d'un moyen de comparer un identifiant (int) à un objet WordInfo. Mon C ++ est un peu rouillé si la syntaxe peut être un peu éteint.

//--- Definition of find()
template <typename DataType>
DataType& BST<DataType>::find(const int id ) const
   typename BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer locptr = myRoot;

   typename BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer parent =0;

   bool found = false;
   while (!found && locptr != 0)
      if (locptr->data > id)       // descend left
        locptr = locptr->left;
      else if (locptr->data < id)  // descend right
        locptr = locptr->right;
      else                           // item found
        found = true;
   return found ? locptr->data : null;

Remarque: cela exige que vous implémentez operator>(const int id) et operator<(const int id)

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