
This is my JSON Array, I am unable to parse ItemImage1 and Bytes from this JSON array. Can any one help me.

"ItemDescription":"CAKE TRAY ROUND TEFAL 1 PCS (L) [RETAIL]",

This is my Product Class.

public class Product{
    int itemID;
    int itemCategoryID;
    String itemCode;
    String barCode;
    String itemDescription;
    int packingTypeID;
    double sellingPrice;
    double taxPercentage;
    ProductImage itemImage;

This is ProductImage Class.

   public class ProductImage {

    byte[] itemImage;

This is ProductList class to hold the entire JSON Array.

  public class ProductList {
        List<Product> Products;

I'm using Volley GsonRequest<ProductList>

There are no errors but I cannot get Image Bytes(ItemImage1 and Bytes) from JSON array, please help me.

This is the output I'm getting for Bytes array.

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