
Magento 1.9.3 (also: 1.x with security patch SUPEE-8788) introduced the Mage_Uploader module, a new file upload widget without Flash. The core only uses it in the admin area (product images, CMS), but I would like to have it on a custom form in the frontend too, to allow multiple file uploads.

What do I need to do to make it available in the frontend?

Était-ce utile?

La solution

I managed to use it with the following steps:

  • Copy app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/media/uploader.phtml to app/design/frontend/base/default/template/media/uploader.phtml
  • Add the following JavaScript files via layout XML:

    <reference name="head">
        <action method="addJs">
        <action method="addJs">
        <action method="addJs">
        <action method="addJs">
  • Include the Mage_Uploader translations in the frontend (in my modules config.xml):

  • Add the relevant CSS from the admin theme:

    .uploader .buttons { margin-bottom: 10px; }
    .uploader .clear:after { display:block; clear:both; content:"."; font-size:0; line-height:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; }
    .uploader .file-row { width:600px; padding:0.5em 0.6em; margin:0.5em 0.6em; border:1px solid #ccc; background-color:#f9f9f9; /*vertical-align:middle;*/ }
    .uploader .file-row-narrow { width: auto; margin: 0 0 2px 40px; }
    .uploader .file-row .file-info { float:left; }
    .uploader .file-row-info { margin: 0 0 0 10px; }
    .uploader .file-row-info .file-info-name  { font-weight:bold; }
    .uploader .file-row .progress-text { float:right; font-weight:bold; }
    .uploader .file-row .delete-button { float:right; }
    .uploader .progress { border:1px solid #f0e6b7; background-color:#feffcc; }
    .uploader .error { border:1px solid #aa1717; background-color:#ffe6de; }
    .uploader .error .progress-text { padding-right:10px; }
    .uploader .complete { border:1px solid #90c898; background-color:#e5ffed; }
  • Include the uploader in my form with a block method like this:

    public function getUploaderHtml()
        $uploader = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('uploader/multiple');
        return $uploader->toHtml()
  • write a controller (as specified in setTarget() above) which handles the file upload. It should return the result of Varien_File_Uploader::save() as JSON or in case of error:

    json_encode(['error' => 'error message', 'error_code' => 123]);
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