
Hello I am trying to run a website sent to me but after doing so this error appeared

connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "4X.XXX.XX.XXX", user "userXXX", database "dbXXX", SSL off in C:\xampp\htdocs\xmastool\index.php on line 37

after Googling it it says that i just need to add an entry in the pg_hba.conf file for that particular user. this is my pg_hba.conf file.

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD
# IPv4 local connections:
local dbXXX userXXX md5
host    dbXXX  userXXX  XX.XXX.XXX.XXX           md5
host    all             all               md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5
# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
# replication privilege.
#host    replication     postgres            md5
#host    replication     postgres        ::1/128                 md5

but after doing so, the error still persist. I restarted my XAMPP server several times but no changes appears. Thanks in advance

Était-ce utile?

La solution

Add or edit the following line in your postgresql.conf :

listen_addresses = '*'

Add the following line as the first line of pg_hba.conf. It allows access to all databases for all users with an encrypted password:

host  all  all md5

Restart Postgresql after adding this with service postgresql restart or the equivalent command for your setup.

Autres conseils

This solution works for IPv4 / IPv6

nano /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf

add at final

host all all      ::1/128      md5
host all postgres md5

and then restart postgresql service

/etc/init.d/postgresql restart

The way I solved this was:

Added the line as below in pg_hba.conf:

hostnossl    all          all    trust        

and this was modified in postgresql.conf, as shown:

listen_addresses = '*'  

I had this instance running on a Centos 7.3 and Postgres 9.5 in a VM in Azure, given this was a POC (proof of concept) you won't want to connect without SSL in your actual prod environment.

To connect to the instance I was using pgAdmin 4 on macOS Sierra.

Fresh Postgres 9.5 install, Ubuntu.

The key was the local connection type, since psql uses domain socket connection.


local all all md5
host  all  all md5
  1. Add the following line in the bottom of pg_hba.conf:

    hostnossl all all md5

  2. Add/modify the line in postgresql.conf:

    listen_addresses = '*'

  3. MAKE SURE THAT the user that is connecting has a password: (Example connect user named postgres)

    a. Run the following psql command with the postgres user account:

    sudo -u postgres psql postgres

    b. Set the password:

    # \password postgres

enter image description here

Instructions for Debian users.

Login as posgres user:

$ sudo su - postgres

Get the location of pg_hba.conf by quering the database:

$ psql -c "SHOW hba_file;"

(1 row)

Open pg_hba.conf:

nano /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf

Add configuration where it says "Put your actual configuration here":

host  all  all md5

Logout to your user:

$ exit

Restart your postgres server for changes to take effect:

$ sudo systemctl restart postgresql

I had the same error when I tried to connect to a local database using an SSH tunnel. I solved it by changing the host name from localhost to

This below worked for me: (pg_hba.conf)

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only     
local   all             all                                     md5
# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               trust
host    all             all                  trust
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all             all             ::1/128                 trust
host    all             all                  trust


Allow the connection unconditionally. This method allows anyone that can connect to the PostgreSQL database server to login as any PostgreSQL user they wish, without the need for a password or any other authentication.


Require the client to supply a double-MD5-hashed password for authentication.

refer for more here

Find the correct configuration file:

su - postgres -c "psql -t -P format=unaligned -c 'show hba_file';"

Add the following at the end of file:

local all all peer

Then restart your PostgreSQL application:

/bin/systemctl restart postgresql*.service

In my case, I had to add the exact line as suggested by the error information. Cannot bypass it by adding "all" users with all IPs as rule. Now it is like:

PosgreSQL 10.5 on CentOS 7.

# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all                       md5
host    <db_name>       postgres        <my_client_machine_ip>/32       md5

In my case I ran into this where I didn't have access to edit any conf files on the server (.NET connecting to a managed db on DigitalOcean) so the other answers weren't an option.

The host provided me a postgresql:// connection URL which had a ?sslmode= option on the end. I got the exact same error until I added "SSL Mode=Prefer;Trust Server Certificate=true;" to my translated .NET connectionString.

That may not be the optimal solution for me or for you, but I wanted to point out it's possible that this is an issue with the connection string rather than the server config.

It works for me only adding the below configuration:

# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               md5
host    all             all                  md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5
host    all             all                  md5

According to the link

For PgAdmin 4 on Windows. I added these lines below


host all all all md5

and modify postgresql.config:

listen_addresses = '*'

Just write the following sequence in the configuration file:

  pg                = require('pg'),
config          = require('./db-config'),
    dbOption    = {
      host    : ,
      port    : ,
      user    : ,
      password  :,
      database  : 

  pool          = new pg.Pool(dbOption)
  pg.defaults.ssl = true;

This is all. The file db-config contains the specification data of the host, user, password and database. With this small change it works perfectly both locally and in a pass service (Heroku). Fully tested.

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