
I'm developing a Qt application using the Qt Nokia SDK (Yes i know i can use the Qt SDK version 1.1.1, but i don't want to that right now because of tight schedule).

The application is finished and i have applied for UID's from OVI and received UID's, cert installer and developer cert/key pair for testing.

-I received these UID's:

UID# 0x200XXXX1
UID# 0x200XXXX2
UID# 0x200XXXX3
UID# 0x200XXXX4
UID# 0x200XXXX5

-I installed the cert installer on the test device

  • Changed the build settings so that i use the certificate i received from OVI:Build Settings

  • Changed the project file so that it takes use of the UID (This is a part of the .pro file)(See UID's):

    VERSION = 1.0.0
    DEPLOYMENT.installer_header = "$${LITERAL_HASH}{\"Project App Installer \"}, {0x2002CCCF}, 1,0,0"
    symbian {
    TARGET.UID3 = 0x200XXXX1
    TARGET.CAPABILITY += NetworkServices \
                         ReadUserData \
                         WriteUserData \
                         ReadDeviceData \
    ICON = Icon-no-glare-tiny1.2.svg
    TARGET.EPOCHEAPSIZE = 0x020000 0x800000
    INCLUDEPATH += C:/NokiaQtSDK/Symbian/SDK/epoc32/include
    LIBS += -LC:/NokiaQtSDK/Symbian/SDK_OK/epoc32/release/armv5/lib
    LIBS += -lcone \
    -leikcore \
    -lavkon \


  • Problem: By doing this i wrap the application using the Nokia smart installer (Which is something i want), but when i try to install this on my test device i get the message "Unable to install a protected application from an untrusted supplier"

This happens only seconds after starting the installer, so i think it might be something wrong with the uid and Nokia smart installer.

  • Here's some candy though: If i do not wrap the application using Nokia smart installer, i have no problems installing the application.

Does anyone have a suggestion i can try? i'm desperate in getting this working now.

If any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thanks in advance.

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La solution

When you sign your application with the ovi developer cert and change UID to a supplied protected UID, only symbian signing your application will let you install it on a device. The developer certificates are provided only to allow your app to access restricted capabilities like redadevicedata writedevicedata etc.

tl;dr use unprotected uid to test , change to ovi supplied uid to publish.

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