
I am using massive to get the config table in the database. I would like to cache the config since the app gets values from it all the time.

once cached is there an easy way to find the object where name = 'something'

here is where the whole table is cached.

    protected override dynamic Get()
        var ret = HttpRuntime.Cache["Config"]; 
        if (ret == null)
            ret = _table.All(); 
            HttpRuntime.Cache.Add("Config", ret, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration,CacheItemPriority.Low, null );
        return ret; 

here is where I would like to pull one record from that method

    protected override dynamic Get(string name)
        return this.Get().Where(x => x.Name == name ).SingleOrDefault(); 

I know linq or lambda statements are not allowed in dynamic objects. but what is the next best way to pull that one object out of that list?

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La solution

You could not write the lamda expression directly as the Where argument, but you could assign it to a Func variable. Also I believe extension methods would not work on dynamic objects, so you have to call the extension method directly.

I think you could use the below code,

        Func<dynamic, bool> check = x => x.Name == name;
        System.Linq.Enumerable.Where<dynamic>(this.Get(), check);
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