
I have something like this:

enum EFood{

class Food{

class Meat: public Food{
    void someMeatFunction();

class Fruit: public Food{
    void someFruitFunction();

class FoodFactory{
    vector<Food*> allTheFood;
    Food* createFood(EFood foodType){
        Food* food=NULL;
            case eMeat:
                food = new Meat();
            case eFruit:
                food = new Fruit();
        return food;

int foo(){
    Fruit* fruit = dynamic_cast<Fruit*>(myFoodFactory->createFood(eFruit));

now I want to change my application to use boost shared_ptr and weak_ptr such that i can delete my food instance in a single place. it would look like this:

class FoodFactory{
    vector<shared_ptr<Food> > allTheFood;
    weak_ptr<Food> createFood(EFood foodType){
        Food* food=NULL;
            case eMeat:
                food = new Meat();
            case eFruit:
                food = new Fruit();

        shared_ptr<Food> ptr(food);
        return weak_ptr<Food>(ptr);

int foo(){
    weak_ptr<Fruit> fruit = dynamic_cast<weak_ptr<Fruit> >(myFoodFactory->createFood(eFruit));
    if(shared_ptr<Fruit> fruitPtr = fruit.lock())

but the problem is that the dynamic_cast doesn't seem to work with weak_ptr

how do I get a weak_ptr<Fruit> out of a weak_ptr<Food> if i know that the object it points to is of derived type?

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La solution

Direct casting from weak_ptr<A> to weak_ptr<B> will surely don't work, I think you have to convert it to a shared_ptr and then use the casting functionality of shared_ptr:

weak_ptr<Food> food = myFoodFactory->createFood(eFruit)
weak_ptr<Fruit> fruit = weak_ptr<Fruit>(dynamic_pointer_cast<Fruit>(food.lock());

Autres conseils

You cannot use dynamic_cast with shared_ptr because it would require to change the template of the object. What in fact you want to do is a dynamic_cast on the internal pointer. To do this you could do a dynamic_cast on the pointer returned by get but that would not be so clean because the reference would not be shared(irrelevant in your case since you're using weak_ptr but relevant when using shared_ptr) and creating a share_ptr on this would be undefined resulting on a double delete.

Use dynamic_pointer_cast to do this but the two types still need to be related. In other words dynamic_cast<T*>(r.get()) needs to be well formed.

you can use BOOST_DISABLE_THREADS to improve performance if you're not bound to multithreading, see

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