
Is there any jQuery plugin that will summarize my text i.e.:




However when I click that three dots it will expand it and show:


Without plugin css and jquery is welcome.

Any ideas?

Était-ce utile?

La solution

There are several plugins for this, and it's so easy that you can probably create your own as well.

But, taking the work from someone else, here is a couple:

Autres conseils

CSS-only solution:

.truncate {
    width: 250px; /* TODO: set as needed */
    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow: hidden;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
.truncate:hover {
    white-space: normal;
    overflow: visible;
    text-overflow: inherit;

You could also rig something that'd do so on click via:

$(".truncate").click(function () { $(this).addClass("noTruncate"); }

and then change .truncate:hover to .noTruncate.

Here is a non-destructive, jQuery-binded and CSS-executed technique.

Considering this SCSS/LESS:

.collapsable {
  margin-bottom: 10px; /* your <p> margin-bottom */
  line-height: 20px; /* your <p> line-height */

  p {
    line-height: inherit;
    margin-bottom: inherit;

    &:last-child {
      margin-bottom: 0;    

  &.collapsed {
    position: relative;
    overflow: hidden;

    p {
      margin: 0;

    .expand-link-container {
      position: absolute;
      bottom: 0; right: 0;
      display: block;

      line-height: inherit;
      padding: 0 2px 0 5px;

      background-color: #FFF;

      box-shadow: -5px 0 5px 0 white;

  .expand-link-container {
    display: none;

And this jQuery:

function collapseHTML(shownLines, expanderLink){

  // Configuration
  var shownLines   = typeof(shownLines) === "undefined" ? 4 : shownLines,
      expanderLink = typeof(expanderLink) === "undefined" ? "[...]" : expanderLink;


    // If current collapsable has already been collapsed once, skip
    if( $(this).find('.expand-link-container').length > 0 ) return false; 

    // Compute max-height from line-height and shownLines
    var lineHeight = $(this).find('p').first().css('line-height');
        maxHeight  = parseInt(lineHeight, 10) * shownLines;

    // If the current div needs collapsing
    if( $(this).height() > maxHeight) {

        // Collapse it
        .css('max-height', maxHeight)

        // Append expander link
          '<div class="expand-link-container">' +
          '  <a href="#">' + expanderLink + '</a>' +

        // Bind click to expander link
        .find('.expand-link-container a').click(function(e){
            .css('max-height', '');




Calling collapseHTML() anywhere in your javascript will cause all div.collapse to collapse their HTML content.

Example in JSfiddle

I had used the Summary plugin before ( However I do not know if it is available for the jQuery version that you are using.

You can use substr

Updated Fiddle -

var ttext = $('span').text(); //Store value

$('span').text($('span').text().substr(0, 4)).append('...'); //Substring

$('body').on('click', 'span', function(){ //Display complete text
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