
i'm trying to get a plain commandLink to work. Here is a code snippet of the page:

<div class="item-single">
    <h:graphicImage value="image/screenshots/#{collectionListBean.collectionListTeaser[0].screenshot}" alt="Screenshot #{collectionListBean.collectionListTeaser[0].title}"/>
    <div class="item-title">
        <h:form id="teaser0">
            <h:commandLink value="#{collectionListBean.collectionListTeaser[0].title}" action="#{collectionBean.showCollection(collectionListBean.collectionListTeaser[0].id)}" />    
    <div class="item-description">
            <h:outputText value="#{collectionListBean.collectionListTeaser[0].persons.get(0).person.getFullName()}" />

The title is displayed correctly, so the backing bean and the list is available and accessible. CollectionBean is also available and accessible. The list has a fixed size and is used inside a javascript gallery which is the reason why i didn't use ui:repeat or h/p:dataTable elements.

I have also checked BalusC'S List of common problems

The action is not being invoked in the backing bean, I get following javascript error on the browser console:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'teaser0:_idcl' of undefined

Here is the relevant code of the backing bean (collectionBean):

public class CollectionBean extends CollectionBeanBase {

public String showCollection(long id) {
    //Check if user is admin, if yes, allow to edit metadata
    Authentication auth=SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
    this.collection = collectionService.findById(id);
    if (!(auth instanceof AnonymousAuthenticationToken)){
        if(role.equalsIgnoreCase("ROLE_ADMIN")) {
            return ViewIds.EDIT_COLLECTION;

    return ViewIds.SHOW_COLLECTION;

Does anyone have an idea what the problem might be? Any hint is highly appreciated! thank you guys in advance!

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La solution 2

I rearranged the element to wrap all of the div's affected by the jQuery gallery and now it works like a charm.

Autres conseils

This is commandLink then why are you passing value in method.

Means you can use

<f:param name="id" value="#{collectionListBean.collectionListTeaser[0].id}"/>

you can easily get that value in action.


 public String showCollection() {

FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

        Object id = fc.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("id");


    return ViewIds.SHOW_COLLECTION;

i think this is best way to do it.

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