
I'd like to configure NERDCommenter in vim to use the alternative comment styles for certain file types. What is the correct way to do this. I can't figure out how to call into the plugin code from the autocmd. What I'm trying to do is something like this:

autocmd FileType dosbatch :call NERDCommenterAltDelims

The above fails to work, but I found out I can get the function name with the command:

map <Plug>NERDCommenterAltDelims

that returns:

:call <SNR>17_SwitchToAlternativeDelimiters(1)<CR>

Is there some way to use the map command to execute the value of the map?

Était-ce utile?

La solution

Alternatively, why don't you just switch the default and alt definitions for the dosbatch filetype, as NERDCommenter offers this extension point. Put the following into your ~/.vimrc; it must be executed before plugin/NERDCommenter.vim.

let g:NERDCustomDelimiters = {'dosbatch': { 'left': '::', 'leftAlt': 'REM ' }}

Autres conseils

Since there is only the script-local function, you have to invoke the provided <Plug> mapping via :normal:

:autocmd FileType dosbatch execute "normal \<Plug>NERDCommenterAltDelims"

To suppress the Now using ... to delimit comments message, use silent execute instead.

Building off of @ingo-karkat answer:

autocmd FileType dosbatch autocmd VimEnter * execute "normal \<Plug>NERDCommenterAltDelims"

My vimscript skills are non-existant, so there might be a cleaner way to do this. Feel free to improve upon it.

It seems that there is now a new better way to use the functionality of NERDCommenter in our own mappings:

call NERDComment('n', 'altDelims')


:h NERDComNERDComment
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