
I have a code like this, how I can do to set the "CommnadTimeout"?

var database = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current.GetInstance<Database>();
var sqlGetAllPersons = @"select * from Person.Person";
var personMapper = MapBuilder<Person>.MapAllProperties().Build();

// create an accessor (DataAccessor)
var personAccessor = database.CreateSqlStringAccessor<Person>(sqlGetAllPersons, personMapper);

// execute the accessor (IEnumerable<Person>)
var profiles = personAccessor.Execute();

(code from EntLib 5.0 DAAB MapBuilder maps DBNull to null)


Était-ce utile?

La solution

Although I like little this solution, I was able to fix it this way:

public class ParameterMapperWithCommandTimeout : IParameterMapper
    public int CommandTimeout { get; set; }

    public void AssignParameters(DbCommand command, object[] parameterValues)
        command.CommandTimeout = this.CommandTimeout;

applied to the previous example:

var database = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current.GetInstance<Database>();
var sqlGetAllPersons = @"select * from Person.Person";
var personMapper = MapBuilder<Person>.MapAllProperties().Build();
var parameterMapper = new ParameterMapperWithCommandTimeout { CommandTimeout = MyTimeOut };

// create an accessor (DataAccessor)
var personAccessor = database.CreateSqlStringAccessor<Person>(sqlGetAllPersons, parameterMapper, personMapper);

// execute the accessor (IEnumerable<Person>)
var profiles = personAccessor.Execute();
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