
I have colored jpeg images of OpenCV::Mat type and I create from them video using avcodec. The video that I get is upside-down, black & white and each row of each frame is shifted and I got diagonal line. What could be the reason for such output? Follow this link to watch the video I get using avcodec. I'm using acpicture_fill function to create avFrame from cv::Mat frame!

P.S. Each cv::Mat cvFrame has width=810, height=610, step=2432 I noticed that avFrame (that is filled by acpicture_fill) has linesize[0]=2430 I tried manually setting avFrame->linesizep0]=2432 and not 2430 but it still didn't helped.

======== CODE =========================================================

AVCodec *encoder = avcodec_find_encoder(AV_CODEC_ID_H264);
AVStream *outStream = avformat_new_stream(outContainer, encoder);
avcodec_get_context_defaults3(outStream->codec, encoder);

outStream->codec->pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P;
outStream->codec->width = 810;
outStream->codec->height = 610;

SwsContext *swsCtx = sws_getContext(outStream->codec->width, outStream->codec->height, PIX_FMT_RGB24,
                                    outStream->codec->width, outStream->codec->height,  outStream->codec->pix_fmt, SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL);

for (uint i=0; i < frameNums; i++)
    // get frame at location I using OpenCV
    cv::Mat cvFrame;
    myReader.getFrame(cvFrame, i); 
    cv::Size frameSize = cvFrame.size();    
    //Each cv::Mat cvFrame has  width=810, height=610, step=2432

1.  // create AVPicture from cv::Mat frame
2.  avpicture_fill((AVPicture*)avFrame,, PIX_FMT_RGB24, outStream->codec->width, outStream->codec->height);
3avFrame->width = frameSize.width;
4.  avFrame->height = frameSize.height;

    // rescale to outStream format
    sws_scale(swsCtx, avFrame->data, avFrame->linesize, 0, outStream->codec->height, avFrameRescaledFrame->data, avFrameRescaledFrame ->linesize);
avFrameRescaledFrame->width = frameSize.width;
    avFrameRescaledFrame->height = frameSize.height;

av_init_packet(&avEncodedPacket); = NULL;
    avEncodedPacket.size = 0;

    // encode rescaled frame
    if(avcodec_encode_video2(outStream->codec, &avEncodedPacket, avFrameRescaledFrame, &got_frame) < 0) exit(1);
        if (avEncodedPacket.pts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
            avEncodedPacket.pts =  av_rescale_q(avEncodedPacket.pts, outStream->codec->time_base, outStream->time_base);
        if (avEncodedPacket.dts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
            avEncodedPacket.dts = av_rescale_q(avEncodedPacket.dts, outStream->codec->time_base, outStream->time_base);

        // outContainer is "mp4"
        av_write_frame(outContainer, & avEncodedPacket);



As @Alex suggested I changed the lines 1-4 with the code below

int width = frameSize.width, height = frameSize.height; 
avpicture_alloc((AVPicture*)avFrame, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, outStream->codec->width, outStream->codec->height);
for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
     memcpy(&(avFrame->data[0][h*avFrame->linesize[0]]), &([h*cvFrame.step]), width*3);

The video (here) I get now is almost perfect. It's NOT upside-down, NOT black & white, BUT it seems that one of the RGB components is missing. Every brown/red colors became blue (in original images it should be vice-verse). What could be the problem? Could rescaling(sws_scale) to AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P format causes this?

Était-ce utile?

La solution

The problem in a nutshell: avpicture_fill() expects no padding between rows, ie the stride (step) to be equal to width*sizeof(pixel), ie 810*3 = 2430. The actual stride of the data in cv::Mat step as you say is 2432 which is different, so just passing the data directly won't work. There is no way to tell avpicture_fill() to use a different stride for the input data; it is not part of the API (you might say it should be :)

There are two possible solutions:

Create an array in which the input data is contiguous, no padding between rows. You'd have to memcopy each row from the cv::Mat into that array. Then pass it to avpicture_fill().

int width, height; // get from mat
uint8_t* buf = malloc(width * height * 3); // 3 bytes per pixel
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
    memcpy( &( buf[ i*width*3 ] ), &( mat->data[ i*mat->step ] ), width*3 );
avpicture_fill(..., buf, ...)

Btw, to flip the video vertically, you can do this to copy the last row to the first and so forth:

    memcpy( &( buf[ i*width*3 ] ), &( mat->data[ (height - i - 1)*mat->step ] ), width*3 );

Or, fill in the AVPicture yourself:

AVPicture* pic = malloc(sizeof(AVPicture));
avpicture_alloc(pic, PIX_FMT_BGR24, width, height);
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
    memcpy( &( pic->data[0][ i*pic->linesize[0] ] ),  &( mat->data[ i*mat->step ] ), width*3);

There is no need to allocate pic->data[0] or set pic->linesize[0], avpicture_alloc() should do that. There is also no need to fill in data[1] or data[2], those should be null.

EDIT: Removed old code which showed copying R, G, B to separate planes. PIX_FMT_BGR24 is not a planar format.

I'm not familiar enough with OpenCV C++ API to figure out how to get the width and height (it's not mat->width, obviously) but I think you know what I mean.

P.S. Btw, your video is not actually black and white. It's just that each successive row is offset by two bytes, so the colors are rotated: red becomes green, green becomes blue, and so forth. The result is grayscale-ish, but if you look closely the individual rows are colored.

Autres conseils

Have you considered using OpenCV's features to create the video for you? It's much more easier since your data is already store in a cv::Mat.

If you would like to keep your approach, you could simply rotate the cv::Mat.

About the color problem in the UPDATE of the original post. Is that caused by,

OpenCV Mat is (BGR) -> FFmpeg AVFrame is (RGB) ?

If so, try,

cvtColor( cvFrame , cvFrame , CV_BGR2RGB ) ; 

before line 1.

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