
I am trying to implement image-upload with CarrierWave and MiniMagick. I was able to upload an image with carrierwave, but when I implemented MiniMagick to resize uploaded images, it returned this error:

Errno::ENOENT in ItemsController#create

No such file or directory - identify -ping /var/folders/6y/j8zfcgmd02x5s439c0np8fjh0000gn/T/mini_magick20121228-71203-bdoeul.jpg


class ImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base

  include CarrierWave::MiniMagick

  storage :file

  def store_dir

  version :thumb do
    process :resize_to_fill => [100, 100]


I have imagemagick installed.

Était-ce utile?

La solution

Not sure what went wrong, but after I uninstalled MacPort and all its ports, installed Homebrew and reinstalled ImageMagick, everything works as expected.

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