
I'm playing with socket_select, but on one hosting, this function does strange things:

  • returns immediately, instead of waiting 5 seconds
  • returns false, indicating some error
  • but socket_last_error() returns 0 (success).

phpinfo() of this server:

$server = socket_create( AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
$r = socket_bind( $server, '/some/file/somewhere');
$r = socket_listen( $server );
// none of the above socket_* returns false

$t = microtime(true);

$read = array( $server ); $write = null; $except = null;
$read = array( $server ); $write = array(); $except = array();
$read = array(); $write = array(); $except = array();
$read = null; $write = null; $except = null;

$changed = socket_select( $read, $write, $except, 5,0 );
$changed = socket_select( $read, $write, $except, null );
$changed = socket_select( $read, $write, $except, 5000000 );
$changed = socket_select( $read, $write, $except, 5000000, 0 );
$changed = socket_select( $read, $write, $except, 5000000, 5000000 );

/* Results:

   microtime(true) - $t  == almost zero

   $changed === false

   socket_last_error() === 0
   socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) === Success

   $read === array(1) {
     resource(2) of type (Socket)
   $write  === NULL
   $except === NULL

$s = socket_read( $server, 1024, PHP_BINARY_READ );
// $s === false

What is happening here?

Updated test script: still runs in an instant:

header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');

for( $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++ ){
for( $j = 0; $j < 5; $j++ ){
  echo "\n\n\n\n\n[i,j]=[{$i},{$j}]\n";

  $socket = socket_create( AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
  var_dump('socket_create', $socket ); echo "\n"; if( $socket === false ) continue;

  $socket_file = dirname(__FILE__)."/test_socket_i{$i}_j{$j}";
  if( file_exists( $socket_file )) unlink( $socket_file );

  $r = socket_bind( $socket, $socket_file );
  var_dump('socket_bind', $r ); echo "\n"; if( $r === false ) continue;

  $r = socket_listen( $socket );
  var_dump('socket_listen', $r ); echo "\n"; if( $r === false ) continue;

  $t = microtime(true);

  if($i==0){ $read = null;             $write = null;    $except = null; }
  if($i==1){ $read = array();          $write = array(); $except = array(); }
  if($i==2){ $read = array( $socket ); $write = null;    $except = null; }
  if($i==3){ $read = array( $socket ); $write = array(); $except = array(); }

  if($j==0){ $changed = socket_select( $read, $write, $except, 5,0 ); } // 5 seconds
  if($j==1){ $changed = socket_select( $read, $write, $except, null ); } // forever
  if($j==2){ $changed = socket_select( $read, $write, $except, 5000000 ); }
  if($j==3){ $changed = socket_select( $read, $write, $except, 5000000, 0 ); }
  if($j==4){ $changed = socket_select( $read, $write, $except, 5000000, 5000000 ); }

  var_dump('•socket_select returned:', $changed );echo "\n";
  var_dump('•$read/$write/$except:',$read,$write,$except);echo "\n";
  var_dump('•error:', socket_last_error(), socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) );echo "\n";
  var_dump('time: ', microtime(true) - $t );echo "\n";               // almost zero
Était-ce utile?

La solution 4

If you run into this bug, you could use something similar to work it around:

$socket_select_timeout_seconds = 5;

  $time_start = microtime(true);
  $c = socket_select($r,$w,$e, $socket_select_timeout_seconds );

  if( /* something happened */ ){
    // handle socket events
  }else if( microtime(true) - $time_start < 0.01){
    // nothing happened, but buggy socket_select didn't wait
    // wait manually
    usleep( $socket_select_timeout_seconds * 1000000 );


Autres conseils

You might want to use stream_* functions instead of socket.

Stream functions are more generic and are part of PHP core, whereas Socket support needs to be installed. Stream functions give you basically more control.

check this

Due a limitation in the current Zend Engine it is not possible to pass a constant modifier like NULL directly as a parameter to a function which expects this parameter to be passed by reference. Instead use a temporary variable or an expression with the leftmost member being a temporary variable:

so the problem is that you are initializing $write = null

As @Amez pointed out you should not pass null values to select. Instead, create an empty array for the unused socket_select() parameters:

$read    = array( $server );
$write   = array();
$except  = array();
$changed = socket_select( $read, $write, $except, 5,0 );

I just recently stumbled upon the same issue in python (I have no clue why PHP/Python won't simply replace null values wit empty arrays internally as for select this certainly seems to be expected behaviour).

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