
Bonjour, j'essaie d'insérer des données XML dans une table sur SQL Server 2008. Cependant, je continue à me faire lancer cette erreur;

Analyse XML: ligne 1, caractère 39, incapable de changer le codage

La colonne de base de données FileMeta utilise le type de données XML, et j'ai basculé le codage vers UTF-16 qui, je pense, est nécessaire pour ajouter des données XML.

INSERT INTO testfiles
  (filename, filemeta) 
  ('test.mp3', '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?><!--This is a test XML file--><filemeta filetype="Audio"><Comments /><AlbumTitle /><TrackNumber /><ArtistName /><Year /><Genre /><TrackTitle /></filemeta>');

Aide, je suis coincé.

NB: J'ai créé le XML avec XMLTextWriter.

Était-ce utile?

La solution

Yes, there are issues when you try to insert XML into SQL Server 2008 and the XML contains an encoding instruction line.

I typically get around using the CONVERT function which allows me to instruct SQL Server to skip those instructions - use something like this:

INSERT INTO testfiles
  (filename, filemeta) 
  ('test.mp3', CONVERT(XML, N'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?>......', 2));

It has definitely helped me get various encoded XML stuff into SQL Server.

See the MSDN docs on CAST and CONVERT - a bit down the page there's a number of styles you can use for CONVERT with XML and some explanations about them.

Autres conseils

You just need to include N in front of your XML string to make it unicode.

INSERT INTO testfiles
  (filename, filemeta) 
  ('test.mp3', N'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?><!--This is a test XML file--><filemeta filetype="Audio"><Comments /><AlbumTitle /><TrackNumber /><ArtistName /><Year /><Genre /><TrackTitle /></filemeta>');

This worked for me without any errors:

SET @input = N'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?><!--This is a test XML file--><filemeta filetype="Audio"><Comments /><AlbumTitle /><TrackNumber /><ArtistName /><Year /><Genre /><TrackTitle /></filemeta>'

INSERT INTO testfiles (filename, filemeta)
VALUES ('test.mp3', @input);
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