
I'm using Botan library for AES encryption/decryption in C++. I cannot use the output of Botan in phpseclib with accurate results. I would appreciate if someone points me a working code for interoperability between Botan and phpseclib or any other PHP encryption library. Thanks!

Example of encryption with Botan in C++

// Key
std::auto_ptr<Botan::HashFunction> tHash ( Botan::get_hash("SHA-256")  );
std::string mykey = "test";
Botan::SecureVector<Botan::byte> tSecVector(32);
tSecVector.set(tHash->process(mykey)); //the hash is actually the key - same size
Botan::SymmetricKey key(tSecVector); 
// IV
Botan::InitializationVector iv(mRng, 16);

// Encryption & Encode
Botan::Pipe pipe(Botan::get_cipher("AES-256/CBC", key, iv, Botan::ENCRYPTION) );
Botan::Pipe pipeb64enc(new Botan::Base64_Encoder );
std::string StrBase64Encoded = pipeb64enc.read_all_as_string(0);

// Return
pReturnEncryptedText = iv.as_string() + StrBase64Encoded;

Example of decryption in php using phpseclib library:

$aes = new Crypt_AES(CRYPT_AES_MODE_CBC); //mcrypt is used
//Decrypt request from application. [IV 32 CHARS IN HEX] [BASE64 ENCRYPTED TEXT]
$key = hash('sha256','test', true) ; // true to output raw binary output
$IV = hex2bin (substr($_POST['ENC'],0,32) );
$aes->setIV(  $IV    );
// Encrypted text in binary
$encryptedTextBin = base64_decode(substr($_POST['ENC'],32));
$decryptedRequest = $aes->decrypt( $encryptedTextBin );

echo $decryptedRequest; //no match

I also tried mcrypt in php directly with no success:

//128 is a hack as shown on:
$td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, '', MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, ''); 
mcrypt_generic_init($td, $key, $iv);

$decrypted_data = mdecrypt_generic($td, $encryptedtext);



I just tested in 128 bit for both Botan and phpseclib and I get a proper decryption in about 50% of cases. This is so weird. I tested different padding modes in Botan (CTS,PKCS7,OneAndZeros,X9.23) but again the success is only in 50% of the attempts.

Était-ce utile?

La solution 2

I finally solved the issue. The encrypted text is sent in Base64 format in the POST data to a certain web server. There are chars in Base64 that are invalid URL chars, so I percent encode them before sending the encrypted text as post data. Those chars are: '+', '/' and '='. See:

Autres conseils

It'd help if you posted a sample of a key you're using from Botan, the password (ie. pre-hashing), the IV you're using and plaintext you're using / ciphertext you're getting. That'd let people test various possibilities themselves instead of having you do everything on their behalf.

Anyway, my first guess would be that Botan maybe doesn't pad by default whereas phpseclib assumes, by default, that the plaintext has been padded.

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