
I have written a C# application that injects a DLL into a third-party executable (which happens to have been built using the Qt framework). This DLL uses EasyHook to intercept calls to a number of specific functions. When my injected code is called, I then try to inspect some of the objects that are parameters to these functions.

For example, I have intercepted a call made to parse some XML:

virtual bool __thiscall QXmlSimpleReader::parse(class QXmlInputSource const &)

In my C# code, I have a PInvoke signature to match this:

static extern bool XmlParse(IntPtr Reader, IntPtr Source)

I would like to call the "data()" function which is a member of the "Source" class. That is, the QXmlSimpleReader parses the raw XML from the QXmlInputSource, but before it does so, I am trying to inspect the raw XML via this "data()" function.

On the advice of one of the experts here, I have tried to use C++/CLI to access the object natively (see Calling methods in third-party DLLs ). I have constructed a wrapper object in C++ that accepts the IntPtr from the C# code:


public ref class QXmlInputSource
    // Constructor must be called with C# IntPtr
    QXmlInputSource(IntPtr Ptr);

    bool LoadQt(void);
    bool UnloadQt(void);

    String^ Data();

    // Pointer to the native Qt object
    void * Native;
    HINSTANCE DllHandle;

    // SIGNATURE: virtual QString QXmlInputSource::data() const
    typedef void * (__thiscall *QXmlInputSource_Data)(void *);
    QXmlInputSource_Data fpData;

CPP file:

QXmlInputSource::QXmlInputSource(IntPtr Ptr)
    Native = Ptr.ToPointer();

bool QXmlInputSource::LoadQt(void)
    FARPROC Addr;

    /* get handle to dll */
    std::wstring LibName = QtPath + QtXml;
    DllHandle = LoadLibrary(LibName.c_str()); 

    /* get pointer to the function in the dll*/ 
    Addr = GetProcAddress(HMODULE (DllHandle), "?data@QXmlInputSource@@UBE?AVQString@@XZ"); 
    fpData = QXmlInputSource_Data(Addr);

    return true;

bool QXmlInputSource::UnloadQt()
    /* Release the Dll */ 
    return true;

String^ QXmlInputSource::Data()
    void* Ptr = fpData(Native);
    return "EPIC FAIL";

The Qt-based application crashes when I try to call the fpData() function pointer. Help :P

Some additional information which may or may not help:

  • I have successfully called functions on "simpler" objects, such as QString.count() and using the same methodology. (QString seems to be just a lightweight wrapper for a standard unicode string).

  • In the QtXml4.dll file that contains the XML functions I am interested in, there are actually TWO parse() methods; one where the Source is a const &, and in the other, Source is a const *. I have no idea if I should be using one or the other. I don't think my signatures will change in any event.

  • While I was trying to play around, I tried dereferencing the IntPtr in the C# code and passing it to C++:

    IntPtr DerefSrc = (IntPtr)Marshal.PtrToStructure(Source, typeof(IntPtr));

If I print out the values of these two IntPtrs, Source has a value of around 3.5Mb, while the DerefSrc has a value of 1.6Gb - which roughly matches the address of the QtXml4.dll in memory. My guess is that the 3.5Mb is a relative offset, while the DerefSrc is clearly an absolute reference. Is it worth a shot converting the DerefSrc to a relative address and passing that to C++ instead ... ?

Était-ce utile?

La solution

I see several problems:

1.: You don't check the return value of LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress. Is QXmlInputSource::data even a DLL-exported method? If not then GetProcAddress will obviously fail.

2.: How do you instantiate the QXmlInputSource class? I ask because it seems you are trying to do it in the C# code, which is hard to do right (you need to know the size required for the class, allocate a properly aligned chunk of memory of that size, and call the constructor on it).

3.: The way you're invoking the function pointer is wrong. You need to declare a method pointer of the appropriate type:

FARPROC fp = ::GetProcAddress(...);

typedef QString (QXmlInputSource::*DataMethod)();
DataMethod mpData = reinterpret_cast<DataMethod>(fp);

QXmlInputSource source;
QString data = (source.*mpData)();

4.: Looking at the documentation for QXmlInputSource::data, I see that it returns a QString, which is woefully different from a pointer (as you're currently treating it). To convert it to a System.String, you need code like this:

QString s1 = (QChar*)L"example string";
String^ s2 = gcnew String((wchar_t*); // calls the String::String(wchar_t*) constructor overload
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