
Can someone help me how to use lpsolve55j.jar on Android device. I tried importing it like every other library (putting it in libs folder and adding it in JavaBuildPath -> Libraries) but I got this error:

03-07 15:28:52.910: W/dalvikvm(3421): Exception Ljava/lang/UnsatisfiedLinkError; thrown while initializing Llpsolve/LpSolve;
03-07 15:28:52.910: D/AndroidRuntime(3421): Shutting down VM
03-07 15:28:52.910: W/dalvikvm(3421): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x9e495930)
03-07 15:28:52.910: E/AndroidRuntime(3421): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
03-07 15:28:52.910: E/AndroidRuntime(3421): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Couldn't load lpsolve55j from loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[dexPath=/data/app/,libraryPath=/data/app-lib/]: findLibrary returned null
03-07 15:28:52.910: E/AndroidRuntime(3421):     at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary(
03-07 15:28:52.910: E/AndroidRuntime(3421):     at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
03-07 15:28:52.910: E/AndroidRuntime(3421):     at lpsolve.LpSolve.<clinit>(
03-07 15:28:52.910: E/AndroidRuntime(3421):     at
03-07 15:28:52.910: E/AndroidRuntime(3421):     at<init>(
03-07 15:28:52.910: E/AndroidRuntime(3421):     at$1.onClick(
03-07 15:28:52.910: E/AndroidRuntime(3421):     at android.view.View.performClick(
03-07 15:28:52.910: E/AndroidRuntime(3421):     at android.view.View$
03-07 15:28:52.910: E/AndroidRuntime(3421):     at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
03-07 15:28:52.910: E/AndroidRuntime(3421):     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
03-07 15:28:52.910: E/AndroidRuntime(3421):     at android.os.Looper.loop(
03-07 15:28:52.910: E/AndroidRuntime(3421):     at
03-07 15:28:52.910: E/AndroidRuntime(3421):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
03-07 15:28:52.910: E/AndroidRuntime(3421):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
03-07 15:28:52.910: E/AndroidRuntime(3421):     at$
03-07 15:28:52.910: E/AndroidRuntime(3421):     at
03-07 15:28:52.910: E/AndroidRuntime(3421):     at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
03-07 15:28:54.650: I/Process(3421): Sending signal. PID: 3421 SIG: 9


OK, so what I need this for is for solving a system of inequalities. Can someone help me to find alternative for this library that can solve this?

Était-ce utile?

La solution

Apache Commons Math is a pure Java library that contains for example the Simplex algorithm for solving linear programs. Binaries of this library should probably be possible to use as-is in an Android application, alternatively it should be straightforward to build the library specifically for Android.

The associated unit test cases sufficiently illustrates the usage of the Apache Commons Math SimplexSolver for solving different kinds of smaller LP problems.

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