
I'm writing an iOS app that uses the web services to search for albums. The following code converts the returned json to an NSArray:

results = (NSArray *)[[[json valueForKey:@"results"] valueForKey:@"albummatches"] valueForKey:@"album"];

This works fine when a search term returns a result, but the application crashes when no results are returned. This is because the key "album" doesn't exist in the json when no results are found.

How to I get my application to check if the "album" key exists in the json?

EDIT: Sample json returned when there are no results. Search string was 'asdfgasdfg'. Please note the character return under the albummatches key.

2013-03-12 14:08:00.889 MyMusicLibrary[387:1a03] {
results =     {
    "@attr" =         {
        for = asdfgasdfg;
    albummatches = "\n";
    "opensearch:Query" =         {
        "#text" = "";
        role = request;
        searchTerms = asdfgasdfg;
        startPage = 1;
    "opensearch:itemsPerPage" = 50;
    "opensearch:startIndex" = 0;
    "opensearch:totalResults" = 0;

EDIT 2: Sample json when results are returned:

2013-03-12 14:19:42.769 MyMusicLibrary[880:1a03] {
results =     {
    "@attr" =         {
        for = coldplay;
    albummatches =         {
        album =             (
                artist = Coldplay;
                id = 1416655;
                image =                     (
                        "#text" = "";
                        size = small;
                        "#text" = "";
                        size = medium;
                        "#text" = "";
                        size = large;
                        "#text" = "";
                        size = extralarge;
                mbid = "c67be398-9417-4c22-bc13-d6158029ae21";
                name = "A Rush of Blood to the Head";
                streamable = 1;
                url = "";
                artist = Coldplay;
                id = 1984;
                image =                     (
                        "#text" = "";
                        size = small;
                        "#text" = "";
                        size = medium;
                        "#text" = "";
                        size = large;
                        "#text" = "";
                        size = extralarge;
                mbid = "8e602038-c0f2-3c2d-9068-a1a3daca493d";
                name = Parachutes;
                streamable = 1;
                url = "";
    "opensearch:Query" =         {
        "#text" = "";
        role = request;
        searchTerms = coldplay;
        startPage = 1;
    "opensearch:itemsPerPage" = 2;
    "opensearch:startIndex" = 0;
    "opensearch:totalResults" = 375;
Était-ce utile?

La solution

There are two ways you could go about this

  1. Assuming that the "opensearch:totalResults" is in fact the correct results count then you could use this value to determine if you have results or not and then use

    NSArray *results = nil;
    if ([[json valueForKeyPath:@"results.opensearch:totalResults"] intValue] > 0) {
      results = [json valueForKeyPath:@"results.albummatches.album"];
  2. Check whether you have a string or an array before processing it

    id albummatches = [json valueForKeyPath:@"results.albummatches"];
    // is this a dictionary or a string?
    // You can either ask if it implements the interface or ask what class it is. I prefer the first
    BOOL isDictionary = [albummatches respondsToSelector:@selector(objectForKey:)];
    // or
    BOOL isDictionary = [albummatches isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]];
    if (isDictionary) {
      results = [albummatches objectForKey:@"album"];

Autres conseils


if([[json[@"result"][@"albummatches"] allKeys] containsObject:@"album"]==YES){

    //do your work here

Someone posted a really good answer earlier, but it was then removed. It helped a lot with this though, and I modified it slightly to get the code below, which now works.

            NSDictionary *resultsDict = [json valueForKey:@"results"];
        if (resultsDict != nil) {
            //Checks to see if any results are returned
            NSDictionary *albumMatchesDict = [resultsDict valueForKey:@"albummatches"];
            NSString *albumMatchesString = [resultsDict valueForKey:@"albummatches"];
            NSCharacterSet *set = [NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet];
            albumMatchesString = [[albumMatchesString description] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]];

            if ([[albumMatchesString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:set] length] != 0) {
                results = (NSArray *) [albumMatchesDict valueForKey:@"album"];
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