
I'm just wondering how to remove a property from knockout viewModel. Specifically, a computed one. I have a simple viewModel

function viewModel(){
   var self = this; = ko.observable("John");
   self.lastname = ko.observable("Doe");
   self.age = ko.observable("22");
   self.fullName = ko.computed(function(){
      return  + self.lastname();
   self.fullNameAndAge = ko.computed(function(){
      return  + self.lastname() + ': ' + self.age();

The data is going to be sent to the server, but I want to exclude the computed data from the viewModel.

I thought something like this would get all the computed data and remove it, but didn't find anything like it.

      for (observableKey in viewModel) {
        if (ko.isComputed(viewModel[observableKey]) 
            delete viewModel[observableKey];
Était-ce utile?

La solution

Knockout can return a regular object from which you then can remove anything you want.

var plainJs = ko.toJS(viewModel);
delete plainJs.fullName;

Documented here.

Autres conseils

You can loop through keys like this:

for (var key in obj) {
      delete obj[key];


Here is a working fiddle.In fiddle click over the button and check the console, there you can see 2 objects, first one is before removing computed obervables and second one is after removing computed observables.

My preferred approach for this sort of problem is to create a specific transport object for whatever your JSON call requires.

var userSaveRequest = function(data) {
  var self = this; =;
  self.lastname = data.lastname;
  // etc, etc

Then, from my calling code, something like this to get the JSON.

// inside viewModel
self.saveUser = function(){
  var queryData = ko.mapping.toJSON(
    new userSaveRequest(ko.mapping.toJS(self))

  // use querydata in AJAX

Also, it's worth remembering just how damn flexible Javascript is. You can create an object of your own design on the fly if need be.

var queryData = ko.mapping.toJSON(
     lastname: self.lastname()
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