
I'm using DateTime in my C# winforms tool, and I'm storing dates into an SQL database using this line:


The SQL database field is of DATE type, and when this date is stored, its stored correctly, such as this: 2013-03-14

When I want to the value, I use this line:

DateTime acquirementDate = DateTime.ParseExact(iDiscRow[TableNames.Discs.acquirementDate].ToString(), "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

However, a FormatException occurs at the above line, because the string being parsed is not a valid DateTime complaint string.

The value this is being parsed is the this: 3/14/2013 12:00:00 AM

What I don't understand is, why is the value read as 3/14/2013 12:00:00 AM, when in the database its stored as 2013-03-14 ?

I'm using SqlDataReader to retrieve the data from database. Can post that code here, but I don't think its needed as its very basic.

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La solution

It seems that your iDiscRow[TableNames.Discs.acquirementDate] is DateTime already. In that case you just have to cast it.

DateTime acquirementDate = (DateTime)iDiscRow[TableNames.Discs.acquirementDate];

And reason why you're getting 3/14/2013 12:00:00 AM is that DateTime.ToString() uses current thread culture to trasnform DateTime to string. Since it's WinForm app, I guess this is your Windows system format for DateTime.

Autres conseils

The row is retrieved as an object. The ToString() method is formatting it. You need to pass the format you want to use to the ToString() method.

This answer is only relevent if it's possible for the database value to be null. That is frequently my own situation, so I wrote this function in a helper class in a class library.

    public DateTime? SetDateTimeValue(DataTable dataTableIn
      , int rowNumber, string fieldName)
        DateTime? returnValue = new DateTime?();
        DateTime tempValue = new DateTime();
         string fieldValueAsString = dataTableIn.Rows[rowNumber][fieldName].ToString();
         result = DateTime.TryParse(fieldValueAsString, out tempValue);
         if (result)
                returnValue = tempValue;
            returnValue = null;
        return returnValue;

Here is a sample call

DataTable data = dataAccess.GetEmergencyVisitDataFromClinicalApplicationSupport(VisitID);

        if (data.Rows.Count == 1)
            ValueSetter setterOfValues = new ValueSetter();
            skip a bunch of lines.
            AdmitDecisionDateTime = 
            setterOfValues.SetDateTimeValue(data, 0, "admit_decision_datetime");
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