
I am having some trouble understanding why the following snippet does not give me an error

public void SomeMethod<T>(T arg) where T : MyInterface
  MyInterface e = arg;

But this one, which I would expect to work due to the generic type constraint

private readonly IList<Action<MyInterface>> myActionList = new List<Action<MyInterface>>();

public IDisposable Subscribe<T>(Action<T> callback) where T: MyInterface
  myActionList.Add(callback); // doesn't compile
  return null

Gives this error

cannot convert from 'System.Action<T>' to 'System.Action<MyInterface>'

I am using VS2012 sp1 and .NET 4.5.

Can anyone explain why the constraint does not allow this to compile?

Était-ce utile?

La solution 2

Classes and delegates are not the same thing. System.Action<MyInterface> represents a function with a single parameter of type MyInterface whilst System.Action<T> represents a method with a parameter of type T : MyInterface. The function signatures are not compatible, it is not relevent that T is a derivative of MyInterface, the signature would only be compatible if T was exactly MyInterface.

Autres conseils

This is a contravariance issue - an Action<MyInterface> should be able to take any MyInterface instance as an argument, however you are trying to store an Action<T> where T is some subtype of MyInterface, which is not safe.

For example if you had:

public class SomeImpl : MyInterface { }
public class SomeOtherImpl : MyInterface { }
List<Action<MyInterface>> list;

list.Add(new Action<SomeImpl>(i => { }));
ActionMyInterface act = list[0];
act(new SomeOtherImpl());

You can only assign an Action<T> to some Action<U> if the type T is 'smaller' than the type U. For example

Action<string> act = new Action<object>(o => { });

is safe since a string argument is always valid where an object argument is.

The where T: MyInterface constraint means "any instance of any class or struct which implements MyInterface".

So what you are trying to do can be simplified as this:

Action<IList> listAction = null;
Action<IEnumerable> enumAction = listAction;

Which is not supposed to work, while still IList : IEnumerable. More details can be found here:

So if you really need to use generic and not just interface - you can do it like this, though it adds complexity and minor performance issues:

public static IDisposable Subscribe<T>(Action<T> callback) where T : MyInterface
    myActionList.Add(t => callback((T)t)); // this compiles and work
    return null;

I find it helpful in these situations to consider what goes wrong if you allow the behaviour. So let's consider that.

interface IAnimal { void Eat(); }
class Tiger : IAnimal 
  public void Eat() { ... }
  public void Pounce() { ... } 
class Giraffe : IAnimal 
public void Subscribe<T>(Action<T> callback) where T: IAnimal
   Action<IAnimal> myAction = callback; // doesn't compile but pretend it does.
   myAction(new Giraffe()); // Obviously legal; Giraffe implements IAnimal
Subscribe<Tiger>((Tiger t)=>{ t.Pounce(); });

So what happens? We create a delegate that takes a tiger and pounces, pass that to Subscribe<Tiger>, convert that to Action<IAnimal>, and pass a giraffe, which then pounces.

Obviously that has to be illegal. The only place where it is sensible to make it illegal is the conversion from Action<Tiger> to Action<IAnimal>. So that's where it is illegal.

Classes and delegates behave a little different. Let's see a simple example:

public void SomeMethod<T>(T arg) where T : MyInterface
  MyInterface e = arg;

In this method you could assume that T would be at least MyInterface, so you could do something like this MyInterface e = arg; because args always could be cast to MyInterface.

Now let's see how delegates behave:

public class BaseClass { };
public class DerivedClass : BaseClass { };
private readonly IList<Action<BaseClass >> myActionList = new List<Action<BaseClass>>();

public void Subscribe<T>(Action<T> callback) where T: BaseClass
  myActionList.Add(callback); // so you could add more 'derived' callback here Action<DerivedClass>
  return null;

Now we'r adding DerivedClass callback to myActionList and then somewhere you invoke delegates:

foreach( var action in myActionList ) {
   action(new BaseClass);

But you can't do that, because if you have DerivedClass callback you have to pass it DerivedClass as parameter.

This question refers to Covariance and contravariance. You could read about variance from this article, also Eric Lippert has very intersting articles about variance, this is the first article, you can find the rest in his blog.

P.S. Edited accorind to Lee comment.

If T is limited to a certain interface anyway, you could just use that interface in its stead:

public void SomeMethod(MyInterface arg)
  MyInterface e = arg;

private readonly IList<Action<MyInterface>> myActionList = new IList<Action<MyInterface>>();

public IDisposable Subscribe(Action<MyInterface> callback)
  myActionList.Add(callback); // does compile
  return null

Will work and compile and is practically the same as what you have now.

Generics are useful if you want to do the same operation REGARDLESS of the type, if you then limit the type to some interface you have defeated the purpose of generics and should probably just use that interface instead.

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