
Im trying to read filenames from a directory using the code and adding a filter to readonly files with the current year and month in the filename for example


so the code will only return files with 201305 in their names but it returns a correct filtered set but some files are missing and i dont know why?

also what is the file "." and ".." stored in the first 2 rows of the array?

heres the code

$filenames = array();
if ($handle = opendir('archive/search_logs/')) {
  $ctr = 0;
  while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
    //if(strpos($entry,date('Ym')) !== false){
    $name = $entry;
    $entry = str_replace("-",":",$entry);
    $filenames[$ctr] = explode("_", $entry);
    $filenames[$ctr][] = $name;
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La solution

why scandir? Use DirectoryIterator don't be affraid to use modern PHP

from manual:

The DirectoryIterator class provides a simple interface for viewing the contents of filesystem directories.


$filenames = array();
$iterator = new DirectoryIterator($directory);
foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo) {
    if ($fileinfo->isFile()) {
        $filenames[] = $fileinfo->getFilename();


with DirectoryIterator you can check $fileInfo via this methods:

  • DirectoryIterator::isDir — Determine if current DirectoryIterator item is a directory
  • DirectoryIterator::isDot — Determine if current DirectoryIterator item is '.' or '..'
  • DirectoryIterator::isExecutable — Determine if current DirectoryIterator item is executable
  • DirectoryIterator::isFile — Determine if current DirectoryIterator item is a regular file
  • DirectoryIterator::isLink — Determine if current DirectoryIterator item is a symbolic link
  • DirectoryIterator::isReadable — Determine if current DirectoryIterator item can be read
  • DirectoryIterator::isWritable — Determine if current DirectoryIterator item can be written

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As said in the comment:

. is the current directory .. is the directory above this one

You can skip both for reading the directory.

What I would personally do is read the filename and information based on a regular expression like so:

$filenames      = array();

foreach( scandir( 'archive/search_logs/' ) as $file ) {
    // test for current or higher path
    if( $file == "." || $file == ".." ) continue;
    // test if readable
    if( !is_readable( $file )) printf( "File %s is not readable",$file);
    // use regular expression to match: <filename><date:yyyymmdd>_<hours:hh>-<minutes:mm>-<seconds:ss>_<am|pm>.zip
    preg_match( "/(?<filename>[.]+)(?<date>[0-9]{8})\_(?<hours>[0-9]{2})\-(?<minutes>[0-9]{2})\-(?<seconds>[0-9]{2})\_(?<ampm>AM|PM)\.zip$/i" , $file , $matches );
    // now use anything in matches that suits your needs:
    echo $matches['filename'];
    echo $matches['date'];
    echo $matches['hours'];
    echo $matches['seconds'];
    echo $matches['ampm'];

This is untested and I might have overdone escaping the regular expression - and _.

As to your question why the file might not be available, I guess that question belongs to Server Fault. However you can test files for their rights with fileperms(, however that will not provide results when they aren't readable in the first place.

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