
I have a problem with an r.js build in my app loader.

Unbuild mode is working perfect but after a build with r.js the variables in app_loader.js#L7 bb and hb are undefined. So far I work around by using global variables Handlebars und Backbone but what is wrong with this shim?

Était-ce utile?

La solution

I have removed your global references and tested this locally. It works.

build.js - updated to use app_main as config file

    optimizeCss: "standard",
    removeCombined: true,
    preserveLicenseComments: false,
    appDir: "../www-root-dev",
    dir: "../www-root",
    keepBuildDir: false,
    optimize: "uglify2",
    mainConfigFile: "../www-root-dev/assets/js/app_main.js",
    modules: [{
        name: "app_main"


define(["app_loader"], function(loader){
    var $ = loader.$, Backbone = loader.Backbone;  


function($, _, Backbone, Handlebars, router){ 
    return {
        $: $.noConflict(),
        _: _,
        Backbone: Backbone,
        router: router,
        Handlebars: Handlebars

app_main.js - updated to simplify paths

    baseUrl: './assets/js',
    paths: {
        mvc: '../../mvc'
    shim: {
        underscore: {
            exports: '_' //the exported symbol
        backbone : {
            deps: ['underscore', 'jquery'],
            exports: 'Backbone' 
        handlebars: {
            deps: ['jquery'],
            exports: 'Handlebars'

require(['app'], function(App){  


define(["jquery", "underscore", "backbone", "mvc/demo.view.js", "mvc/demo.model.js"], function($, _, Backbone, DemoView, DemoModel) { ... });


define(["backbone"], function(Backbone) { ... });


define(["jquery","backbone","text!mvc/demo.html"], function($, Backbone,demoTemplate) { ... });

Autres conseils

I think the error is because in your shim you have exported backbone and handlebar as Backbone and Handlebars respectively,

backbone : {
         deps: ['underscore', 'jquery'],
         exports: 'Backbone' 
         deps: ['jquery'],
         exports: 'Handlebars'

and in your app_loader.js#L7 you are using it as bb and hb.

Either in shim export it as bb and hb:

backbone : {
             deps: ['underscore', 'jquery'],
             exports: 'bb' 
             deps: ['jquery'],
             exports: 'hb'

or use Backbone and Handlebars in app_loader.js#L7 instead of bb and hb:

], function(jQuery, underscore, Backbone, Handlebars, router){ 

I am also new to backbone and requirejs but it should help.

I have forked your github project and use grunt requirejs to run the optimization.

I manage to run the site and didn't notice any console errors in Chrome.

I took your project and noticed the errors in your build. I then made some changes to your app_main.js file as follows. Let me know if this solves your issues? Solved mine.

// Require.js allows us to configure shortcut alias
// Their usage will become more apparent futher along in the tutorial.

    shim: {
        underscore: {
            exports: '_' //the exported symbol
        backbone : {
            deps: ['underscore', 'jquery'],
            exports: 'Backbone' 
        handlebars: {
            exports: 'Handlebars'


    paths: {
        appLoader:  'app_loader',
        jquery:     'jquery',
        underscore: 'underscore',
        backbone :  'backbone' ,
        handlebars: 'handlebars'


], function(App){  
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