
Today I wanted to investigate if it is possible to construct a data type in such a way, that it does not store the data of the type of its type signature, but another representation of it. So, here is my attempt of an GADT which has a type constructor of type a, but a data constructor of type ByteString.

import Data.ByteString.Char8
import Data.Serialize

data Serialized a where
    MkSerialized :: (Serialize a) => ByteString -> Serialized a

Now I can define a decode' function in the following way:

decode' :: (Serialize a) => Serialized a -> a
decode' (MkSerialized bs) = let Right r = (decode bs) in r

And it works:

let s = MkSerialized (encode "test") :: Serialized String
print $ decode' s     -- prints "test"

My problem is now that I'd like Serialized to be an instance of Functor.

instance Functor Serialized where
    fmap f (MkSerialized bs) = MkSerialized (encode (f (right (decode bs))))
                               where right (Right r) = r

But I get the error (Serialize b) can not be deduced. How can I constraint the Functor instance so that Serialize is enforced in the fmap?

Était-ce utile?

La solution

You can do this using a CoYoneda functor.

The idea is simple: have an additional functional field where you accumulate your fmaping functions. When you decode your value, then apply that function.

Here's the code:

import Data.ByteString.Char8
import Data.Serialize

data Serialized a where
      :: (Serialize a)
      => ByteString -> (a -> b) -> Serialized b

decode' :: Serialized a -> a
decode' (MkSerialized bs f) = let Right r = decode bs in f r

instance Functor Serialized where
    fmap f (MkSerialized bs g) = MkSerialized bs (f . g)

This also has the benefit of automatically fusing multiple fmaps instead of repeated decodings and encodings, as would be in your case.

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