
Can someone please tell me about how to convert a thresholded image stored in a 'Bitmap' variable into a byte array and view the byte array in a text box or a text file, in C#?

Can someone please help me with the code to it?

i have threshoded the image using - link. And trying to view the byte array of it in 1s and 0s.

Thank you.

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La solution

If your image is Bitmap you can use

LockBits and then Scan0 methods:;k(TargetFrameworkMoniker-.NETFramework,Version%3Dv4.5);k(DevLang-csharp)&rd=true

  public static Byte[] BmpToArray(Bitmap value) {
      BitmapData data = value.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, value.Width, value.Height),   ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, value.PixelFormat);

      try {
        IntPtr ptr = data.Scan0;
        int bytes = Math.Abs(data.Stride) * value.Height;
        byte[] rgbValues = new byte[bytes];
        Marshal.Copy(ptr, rgbValues, 0, bytes);

        return rgbValues;
      finally {
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