
Does gcc compiler use push/pop for register backup if I dont write anything in clobber list? What happens for input and output list registers?

I will make a short asm inline that saves some general purpose registers to XMM/YMM registers then plays on general purpose registers. In the end, original values are returned from XMM/YMM registers to general purpose ones. Would compiler put push/pops to save them anyway?

How can I tell GCC compiler: "dont push/pop enything for me, I am using XMM/YMM for that purpose . Maybe I will do push/pops myself"

Something like:

__asm__ __volatile__ (
        ".intel_syntax noprefix \n\t"
        "movd xmm0,eax \n\t"//storing in xmm registers instead of   pushing
        "movd xmm1,ebx \n\t"
        "movd xmm2,ecx \n\t"
        "movd xmm3,edx \n\t"
        "movd xmm4,edi \n\t" // end of  backups
        //... doing work
        "movd edi,xmm4 \n\t"
        "movd edx,xmm3 \n\t"
        "movd ecx,xmm2 \n\t"
        "movd ebx,xmm1 \n\t"
        "movd eax,xmm0 \n\t" // end of pops

        "=g"(x[0]),  //%0
        "=g"(x[1])   //%1
        "g"(x[0]),  //%2
        "g"(x[1])   //%3
        ://no clobber list

or something like this(I know this swapping is extremely slow, just wanted to have push pops working):

__asm__ __volatile__ (
        ".intel_syntax noprefix \n\t"
        "push rax \n\t"
        "push rbx \n\t"
        "push rcx \n\t"
        "push rdx \n\t"

        "mov eax,%2 \n\t"
        "mov ecx,%3 \n\t"
        "mov edx,eax \n\t"
        "mov eax,ecx \n\t"
        "mov ecx,edx \n\t"
        "mov %0,eax \n\t"
        "mov %1,ecx \n\t"

        "pop rdx \n\t"
        "pop rcx \n\t"
        "pop rbx \n\t"
        "pop rax \n\t"

        "=g"(x[0]),  //%0
        "=g"(x[1])   //%1
        "g"(x[0]),  //%2
        "g"(x[1])   //%3
        ://no clobber list
Était-ce utile?

La solution

This question is kind of tricky. As far as I know, the way you compile will have impact on the result. I am not sure if this is what you need but if you don't use inline assembly, you can control it.

You write your code in a separate .s file, and compile with optimization like -O3, gcc will not push and protect nonvolatile registers. I don't use inline assembly myself so I am not clear with that part. You can test it yourself :D

BTW: I think if you write .asm file and use nasm to compile it and link the object with gcc, same thing would happen. With optimization, I don't think gcc will do the push/pop automatically. Let me know if there are something wrong in my reply. Thanks.

Good luck


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