
Is there any way to define read prefence in mongoskin in collection or db level here is the sample from mongodb native nodejs driver

var readMongo = require("mongodb").MongoClient;  

MongoClient.connect('localhost:3000/tes?readPreference=secondaryPreferred' , 

   function(err ,db){
            $or: [{'a' : e}, 
                    {'a' : d},
                    {'a' : c},
                    {'a' : b}]
        }, function(error, result1){
            } else {
                callback(null, result1)


I am currently running mongos over a set of sharding server with replica sets. I need to route all the read query to secondary members of replica sets.

Était-ce utile?

La solution

Finally there is way to route your query to secondary mongod

Just place the host and port of your secondary inside the mongoskin connection string like this

var mongo = require("mongoskin");
var database = mongo.db( "mongod://username:password@secondaryDatabasehost:port/database",{safe:true , slaveOk : true});

The slaveOk:true will allow secondary mongod to use for read only queries.Without this mongo wont allow to query from a secondary and gives you an error.

[Mongo error "$err" : "not master" ]
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