
I'm anticipating that I'm missing something glaringly obvious here.

I'm trying to build a demonstration of overfitting. I've got a quadratic generating function from which I've drawn 20 samples, and I now want to fit polynomial linear models of increasing degree to the sampled data.

For some reason, regardless which model I use, every time I run predict I get N predictions back, where N is the number of records used to train my model.

xv = seq(1,5,length.out=1e4)
gen=function(v){v^2 + 2*rnorm(length(v))}
df = data.frame(x,y)

# convenience function for building formulas for polynomial regression
build_formula = function(N){ 
  fpart = paste(lapply(2:N, function(i) {paste('+ poly(x,',i,',raw=T)')}  ), collapse="")
## Example:
## build_formula(4)="y~x + poly(x, 2 ,raw=T)+ poly(x, 3 ,raw=T)+ poly(x, 4 ,raw=T)"

model = lm(build_formula(10), data=df)
predict(model, data=xv) # returns 20 values instead of 1000
predict(model, data=1)  # even *this* spits out 20 results. WTF?

This behavior is present regardless of the degree of polynomial in the formula, including the trivial case 'y~x':

formulas = sapply(c(2,10,20), build_formula)
formulas = c('y~x', formulas)
pred = lapply(formulas
                  lm(f, data=df)

lapply(pred, length) # 4 x 20 predictions, expecting 4 x 1000

# unsuccessful sanity check
m1 = lm('y~x', data=df)

This is driving me insane. What am I doing wrong?

Était-ce utile?

La solution

The second argument to predict is newdata, not data.

Also, you don't need multiple calls to poly in your model formula; poly(N) will be collinear with poly(N-1) and all the others.

Also^2, to generate a sequence of predictions using xv, you have to put it in a data frame with the appropriate name: data.frame(x=xv).

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