
I'm currently working on a project where I (among other things) need to find the MAC address for a remote computer. The problem is that i'm restriced to only accessing the computer throught SQL queries. (so I can't use WMI)

The remote computer is running Windows Server 2000, and Ms SQL server 2000.

I know the IP of the remote computer and I am able to log in with the admin account. How can I get the MAC address(preferably all of them) from the remote computer?

Thankful for answers.

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La solution 3

I solved it for my computer

//dont mind the makeQuery and querySrv

ResultTable res = makeQuery(querySrv,("USE Master; EXEC xp_regread 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 'SOFTWARE\\Description\\Microsoft\\rpc\\UuidTemporaryData', 'NetworkAddress'"));
    byte[] bMac =(byte[])res.getRow(0).data[1];
    String mac = String.format("%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", bMac[0], bMac[1], bMac[2], bMac[3], bMac[4], bMac[5]);

This should work for other windows server 2000 servers

Thanks to @morgano for help with the formating and byte/hex converting

Autres conseils

I think that some kind of external call via xp_cmdshell is your only option. There is a likelihood that this feature may be disabled on your SQL Server (with good reason).

Something like

 Create table #results(data varchar(250))
 Insert #results
 exec master..xp_cmdshell 'ipconfig /all'

 select * from #results where data like 'physical address%'

Further to your comment - you may find it under in the registry under the


key, but if and where will be hardware configuration dependent.

According to this, it doesn't seem you can. If you were using SQL Server 2005+, I'd think you could code up something in SQLCLR to do this without too much effort.

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