Can I use Ninject to inject dependencies into attributes rather than using the service locator pattern?



I'm using feature flags to selectively enable/disable certain aspects of my MVC4 web application in different environments. I have an interface named IConfiguration with a IsEnabled(FeatureFlag) method that provides access to these flags.

To this end, I want to disable certain MVC action methods when the feature they relate to is turned off. I have an attribute named FeatureAttribute defined like this:

// Usage: [Feature(FeatureFlag.I18N)]
public class FeatureAttribute : ActionMethodSelectorAttribute {
    private IConfiguration _config;
    private FeatureFlag _feature;

    public FeatureAttribute(FeatureFlag feature) {
        _config = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IConfiguration>();
        _feature = feature;
    public override bool IsValidForRequest(ControllerContext controllerContext,
                                           MethodInfo methodInfo) {
        return _config.IsEnabled(_feature);

This works, but using DependencyResolver to get an instance of IConfiguration smells funny. Is there any way I can redesign my code to avoid the Service Locator pattern?

I initially thought of using filter injection, but ActionMethodSelectorAttribute is not actually a filter, so it doesn't apply here.

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La solution

Attributes are created by the .NET Framework. So you can't do Constructor injection. The only two ways to inject into Attributes is to do PropertyInjection or ServiceLocation.

PropertyInjection can be done like this:

  1. Add a IPlanningStrategy that does the scanning with reflection for your attribute (or ActionMethodSelectorAttribute). Return immediatly if not a controller.
  2. Foreach method that has this attribute add a IDirective that contains a reference to the MethodInfo
  3. Add A IActivationStrategy that injects the attribute using kernel.Inject(attribute).

Best you have a look at the PropertyInjection implementation of Ninject it works exactly like this. It just needs some changes to do what you want.

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