
Vim associates some default working directory to opened files when I work on multiples files under different directories in a single vim windows.

I have traced back the problem to my fold settings as I found a lcd comment in the .vim/view/ file relating to the problem files. When deleted the problem is resolved.

As an example consider my ~/opt/lib/python/ file, its ~/.vim/view/~\=+opt\=+lib\=+python\\= contains the following line:

lcd ~/mnt/CASE\ STUDIES/amazon\ -\ employee\ access
let &so = s:so_save | let &siso = s:siso_save
doautoall SessionLoadPost

How can I prevent this behaviour?

Here's my .vimrc (.gvimrc only sets window size) options relating to the fold:

" save & load fold structure
 42 au BufWinLeave * silent! mkview
 43 au BufWinEnter * silent! loadview
 44 set fdo-=search "do not open close fold when matching
 45 set fdo-=block "do not open closed but when using z? commands


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La solution

What gets persisted is determined by the 'viewoptions' setting. Unfortunately, there's no separate configuration value for the local working directory. It seems that Vim always adds the :lcd command when you've set a local one.

To work around this, either avoid creating views for windows that currently have a window-local directory, or you could post-process the generated view script to remove / comment out the :lcd line. The session.vim plugins uses that approach for session files.

Autres conseils

set sessionoptions-=curdir

This setting also applies to views although the documentation doesn't say anything about that.

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