
I am starting to implement MVVM in my application and got an issue of knowing when the user navigated to the view.

To navigate between views, I can just use the navigationService.Navigate(...);

How do I check when I navigated to the view? May I use the event navigationService.Navigated?

Is there no other method I can use like OnNavigatedTo that the page itself provide?

Était-ce utile?

La solution 3

Thanks for the answers provided. Both were helpful over a period of time until I decided to create a custom implementation of the navigation service that has been created by a few people. I then made a contribution to the Cimbalino toolkit to suggest this and it has been introduced a while back.

I my personal opinion, that solves my issue the best. Have a look at the navigation service in there. The Navigated event pretty much solves my issue I had.

It basically comes down to this (in your viewmodel):

_navigationService.Navigated += OnNavigated;

Autres conseils



 DataContext="{Binding titleSearchViewModel, Source={StaticResource Locator}}">
            <cmd:EventToCommand Command="{Binding PageLoaded, Mode=OneWay}"/>


 private RelayCommand _PageLoaded;
 public RelayCommand PageLoaded
                if (_PageLoaded == null)
                    _PageLoaded = new RelayCommand(
                                    () => Loaded()
                return _PageLoaded;

In case this question is still actual, i prefer this solution:

If to use it, it is possible to send recipient ViewModel's parameters from the sender ViewModel:

    new Dictionary<string, object> { { "SelectedIndex", Int32.Parse( } });

And receiver should define in xaml:

NavigatedToCommand="{Binding RefreshCommand}"

And then in receiver ViewModel:

public ICommand RefreshCommand // Should be set as NavigatedToCommand="{Binding RefreshCommand}" in xaml
    get { return new RelayCommand(Refresh); }

public void Refresh()
    _dataService.GetList(SelectedIndex, DownloadedCallback); // So, this would be called automatically after navigating is complete. SelectedIndex is updated at this moment.
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