
i exported some data from a csv file into R. i am using sqldf package to udpate data. My below query runs. i can provide my csv file but i dont know how to attach files here :(

> sqldf("select * from
+ (
+ select Disposition as dummy_disposition, case Disposition
+ when 'Disposition' then  'UNKNOWN'
+ when 'Donate' then  'EOL'
+ when 'Resale' then  'EOL'
+ when 'Harvest' then  'EOL'
+ when 'IntelSpinOff' then  'EOL'
+ when 'Scrap' then  'EOL'
+ when 'BufferFeedForward' then   'ACTIVE'
+ when 'FB' then  'UNKNOWN'
+ when 'Unknown' then  'UNKOWN'
+ when 'HarvestResale' then  'EOL'
+ when 'ReturnToSupplier' then  'EOL'
+ when 'IcapResale' then  'EOL'
+ when 'NonEmsManaged' then  'EOL'
+ when 'BufferEOL' then  'EOL'
+ when 'ResaleScrap' then  'EOL'
+ when 'ST' then  'UNKNOWN'
+ when 'AS' then  'UNKNOWN'
+ else null end as new_status,
+ *  from a where FloorStatus is null and  disposition is not null
+ )  as table1
+   where new_status is null")
 [1] dummy_disposition new_status        Ueid              Date              EndDate          
 [6] Site              CFD               Type              ScheduleId        EventType        
[11] FloorStatus       EntityCode        Ceid              Process           Supplier         
[16] FA                MfgType           Disposition       Comments          extra1           
[21] extra2            extra3           
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

but when i run below query it doesnt run :( It is interesting because except update table part rest of the query is part of the above query.

> sqldf("update a set FloorStatus = case Disposition
+ when 'Disposition' then  'UNKNOWN'
+ when 'Donate' then  'EOL'
+ when 'Resale' then  'EOL'
+ when 'Harvest' then  'EOL'
+ when 'IntelSpinOff' then  'EOL'
+ when 'Scrap' then  'EOL'
+ when 'BufferFeedForward' then   'ACTIVE'
+ when 'FB' then  'UNKNOWN'
+ when 'Unknown' then  'UNKNOWN'
+ when 'HarvestResale' then  'EOL'
+ when 'ReturnToSupplier' then  'EOL'
+ when 'IcapResale' then  'EOL'
+ when 'NonEmsManaged' then  'EOL'
+ when 'BufferEOL' then  'EOL'
+ when 'ResaleScrap' then  'EOL'
+ when 'ST' then  'UNKNOWN'
+ when 'AS' then  'UNKNOWN'
+ else null end
+    from a where FloorStatus is null and  disposition is not null")
Error in sqliteExecStatement(con, statement, : 
  RS-DBI driver: (error in statement: near "from": syntax error)

what is wrong with my update table command? when i run my code in sql development studio it runs fine...but i would prefer if code runs in R


what changes do i need to make to the below code????

declare @outputs table 
([day] datetime,
floorstatus varchar,  
 quantity int)

declare @Date datetime;

SELECT clndr_dt from epsd.dbo.t_calendar
              where clndr_dt between '2008-01-01' and '2013-08-13'
              order by clndr_dt
OPEN dates_cursor
FETCH NEXT from dates_cursor INTO @Date


insert @outputs
       select @Date as [Day], floorstatus, count(floorstatus) as quantity from Graph_data
       where @Date between [Date] and EndDate
       group by floorstatus

FETCH NEXT from dates_cursor INTO @Date
CLOSE dates_cursor
DEALLOCATE dates_cursor

select * from @outputs
Était-ce utile?

La solution

Update does not have a from clause (see update syntax on SQLite site) and also see sqldf FAQ #8 for the commonly made error of updating the table in SQLite but then not returning the table to R.

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