
Ok. Really hope someone can help me answer the following question. So I am using an XML datastore for persistence for a final year project. Here's the structure of the XML file.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE datastore SYSTEM "datastore.dtd">
  <postcode>SE1 7HS</postcode>
  <country>United Kingdom</country>
        <city>Tunbridge Wells</city>
        <postcode>TN1 2GE</postcode>
        <country>United Kingdom</country>

One of the things I want the user to be able to do is to add a new dataset. Simple enough. So i've used the following small jQuery function and PHP script.

  function addDataSetToXML(dataset){
     data:{dataset : dataset},
         window.alert("Added dataset " + dataset + " to gsdatastore.xml");
    error:function() {window.alert("Did not work");}

and here's addDataset.php:

$name = $_GET[$dataset];
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$xml = "../dataStore/gsdatastore.xml";
$doc->formatOutput = true;
$newDataSetElement = $doc->createElement("dataset");
$newNameElement = $doc->createElement("name",$dataset);
$root = $doc->documentElement;

I cannot find any errors in the code and when the script is run i get the success message. I've used Firebug and finally tracked down the following in the response message (the HTTP GET returns a 200 OK message so its definitely finding the script and running it).

XML Parsing Error: no element found Location: moz-nullprincipal:{8b768c4c-ef3c-644a-ae97-dd38798b8ba1} Line Number 13, Column 3:

?> --^

Does anyone have any idea what this means? This has been doing my head in. Any help greatly appreciated.

Pas de solution correcte

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