
I would like to plot stack series line graph in same plot. I have been reading around at this forum and tried several mentioned examples. But, I have no luck to get it right.

This is a summary of my data in R:

> head(allPAL.DE)
               time02H       time06H       time24H
TT000526   -0.01106224     1.0080723     0.8315261
TT000561   -0.30812201    -0.4085618     0.5446794
TT000794    1.22833349     3.3781206     2.5952071
TT000197   -0.23966166    -0.2603373     0.5623011
TT000238   -0.33446383     0.6522561     0.5815776
TT000684    0.73437943     1.3070386    -1.2774730

It is a data frame R object:

> str(allPAL.DE)
'data.frame':   15 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ time02H: num  -0.0111 -0.3081 1.2283 -0.2397 -0.3345 ...
 $ time06H: num  1.008 -0.409 3.378 -0.26 0.652 ...
 $ time24H: num  0.832 0.545 2.595 0.562 0.582 ...

I wish to produce a stack series line graph like below with R:

stack series line graph

Could the community kindly share with me the way to produce aforementioned graph in R?

Thank you very much for your time.

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La solution

Here is some code that will give you what you want.

#Example Data
n = 6
time02H = abs(rnorm(n))
time06H = abs(rnorm(n))
time24H = abs(rnorm(n))

allPAL.DE = data.frame(time02H,time06H,time24H)


for(i in 1:nrow(allPAL.DE)){

You could add different options, colors and text to make the plot look nicer but its the basic idea that you were asking for.

enter image description here

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