
I came across this code and I'm trying to use it in SP 2010 Foundation. When I load the page, I get the error saying "User not found". I'm using Jquery 1.10.X and the latest SPServices version. I assume it has something to do with the "userLoginName" but I'm having trouble figuring it out.

$(document).ready(function() {
  //Populate the users pick list
  var strHTMLSiteUsers = "";
      operation: "GetUserCollectionFromSite",
      async: false,
      completefunc: function(xData, Status) {
        $(xData.responseXML).find("User").each(function() {
          strHTMLSiteUsers += "<option value='" + $(this).attr("LoginName") + "'>" + $(this).attr("Name") + "</option>";

function RefreshGroupLists(){
  var strHTMLAvailable = "";
  var strHTMLAssigned = "";
  var arrOptionsAssigned = new Array();
  var intOpts = 0;
  var booMatch;
  var booErr = "false";


  if($("#my_SiteUsers").attr("value") == 0){
    alert("You must select a user");

  //Populate the Groups Assigned
      operation: "GetGroupCollectionFromUser",
      userLoginName: $("#my_SiteUsers").attr("value"),
      async: false,
      completefunc: function(xData, Status) {
        $(xData.responseXML).find("errorstring").each(function() {
          alert("User not found");
          booErr = "true";
        $(xData.responseXML).find("Group").each(function() {
          strHTMLAvailable += "<option value='" + $(this).attr("Name") + "'>" + $(this).attr("Name") + "</option>";
          arrOptionsAssigned[intOpts] = $(this).attr("Name");
          intOpts = intOpts + 1;

  //Populate available site groups
  if(booErr == "false"){
        operation: "GetGroupCollectionFromSite",
        async: false,
        completefunc: function(xData, Status) {
          $(xData.responseXML).find("Group").each(function() {
            booMatch = "false";
            for (var i=0;i<=arrOptionsAssigned.length;i++){
              if($(this).attr("Name") == arrOptionsAssigned[i]){
                booMatch = "true";
            if(booMatch == "false"){
              strHTMLAssigned += "<option value='" + $(this).attr("Name") + "'>" + $(this).attr("Name") + "</option>";

function AddGroupsToUser(){
  var i;

  if($("#my_SiteUsers").attr("value") == 0){
    alert("You must select a user");

  if($("#my_SPGroupsAvailable").val() == null){
    alert("You haven't selected any groups to add");
    var arrGroups = $("#my_SPGroupsAvailable").val();
    for (i=0;i<arrGroups.length;i++){
          operation: "AddUserToGroup",
          groupName: arrGroups[i],
          userLoginName: $("#my_SiteUsers").attr("value"),
          async: false,
          completefunc: null

function RemoveGroupsFromUser(){
  var i

  if($("#my_SiteUsers").attr("value") == 0){
    alert("You must select a user");

  if($("#my_SPGroupsAssigned").val() == null){
    alert("You haven't selected any groups to remove");
    var arrGroups = $("#my_SPGroupsAssigned").val();
    for (i=0;i<arrGroups.length;i++){
          operation: "RemoveUserFromGroup",
          groupName: arrGroups[i],
          userLoginName: $("#my_SiteUsers").attr("value"),
          async: false,
          completefunc: null

This is the source

È stato utile?


You should use Firebug (addon of Firefox) to look at the AJAX requests that are done. Like that you can see the exact error message.

I know that usually you have to pass an username with "-1;#" in front of it to make Sharepoint to recognize it as an username (for example: "-1;")... maybe it's the reason?!

Instead of SPServices you could use SharepointPlus and its groupMembers function:

$SP().groupMembers("my group", function(members) {
  for (var i=0; i < members.length; i++) console.log(members[i]);
  // -> {ID:"1234", Name:"Doe, John", LoginName:"mydomain\john_doe", Email:""}

Altri suggerimenti

This solution was written using an earlier version of jQuery; the identification of an element's "properties" (vs its "attributes") changed at some point. I had your exact problem and this was the issue:

If you're using jQuery 1.10.X+ you'll need to replace every occurrence of .attr("value") with .prop("value") in your source code for this to work.

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