Cannot enable JMS types in OracleXE 11g - component 'CONSTRUCT' must be declared


  •  30-06-2022
  •  | 


We have a set of automated tests for an Oracle database that we run on a CI server using OracleXE. Some of the tests use the AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE type like so:

    msg := SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE.construct;

In the past we have used OracleXE 10g, but I am trying to upgrade to XE 11g to match the normal Oracle servers this database runs on. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to enable those types in OracleXE 11g. I get the following errors trying to compile those packages using it:

1797/5   PL/SQL: Statement ignored
1797/37  PLS-00302: component 'CONSTRUCT' must be declared
1798/5   PL/SQL: Statement ignored
1798/9   PLS-00302: component 'SET_TEXT' must be declared
1799/5   PL/SQL: Statement ignored

OracleXE did not have these types installed by default in 10g either, which we remedied by executing this script found in the install:


Even after running that in OracleXE 11g though, the types still cannot be resolved. I also searched the contents of other files in the same location related to JMS and found these two:


Installing those also had no effect.

Has anyone been able to use the AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE type in OracleXE 11g and know how to work around this? Or was the ability to work around it in XE10g a hole that they have now plugged?

È stato utile?


I found a way to get around this problem. I copied the prvtaqal.plb script from an old OracleXE 10g install over and ran that in the OracleXE 11g instance. Types are available and all is good.

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