
I've installed Windows Azure Caching from Nuget and I configured the collection of the client library diagnostics on a worker role using Azure SDK 2.1 following the instructions in this SO answer.

Unfortunately, when I start the application in the development fabric, I obtain the following exception -- I don't understand why it is complaining about the configuration file. I've searched for this error but I found nothing relevant to my case.

Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.DataCacheException was caught
Message=ErrorCode<ERRCMS0004>:SubStatus<ES0001>:Configuration file
(file name:"{0}") not found.
   at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.ConfigFile.
     ThrowException(Int32 errorCode)
   at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.AzureCommon.
   at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.AzureCommon.
     (DiagnosticMonitorConfiguration diagnosticMonitorConfig)
   at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.AzureCommon.
      (DiagnosticMonitorConfiguration diagnosticMonitorConfig, 
      String diagnosticsStorageAccountConfigurationSettingName)
   at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.AzureCommon.
      DiagnosticMonitorConfiguration diagnosticMonitorConfig)
È stato utile?


I've inspected the assembly Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.AzureCommon with ILSpy and I've discovered a function in which the CacheDiagnostics.ConfigureDiagnostics searches for web.config or *.dll.config for the role -- on Azure enviroment it checks for both files, while if it detects the compute emulator it checks only for web.config. IMHO this is a bug in the library (probably not so important since Caching seems to be used primarily from web roles).

I then copied the app.config for the worker role, I've renamed it to web.config and set it to be copied on the project output -- this way I was able to call CacheDiagnostics.ConfigureDiagnostics without exceptions.

Altri suggerimenti

For me, the issue was that Web.config file was getting copied under bin/Release folder while the CacheDiagnostics.ConfigureDiagnostics was looking it under approot folder. So, I manually pasted the file there to test it locally. On cloud, the config file get copied under correct directory.

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