
I was wondering if this is an accaptable practice:

struct Item { };
std::list<std::shared_ptr<Item>> Items;
std::list<std::shared_ptr<Item>> RemovedItems;

void Update()
    Items.push_back(std::make_shared<Item>()); // sample item

    for (auto ItemIterator=Items.begin();ItemIterator!=Items.end();ItemIterator++)
        if (true) { // a complex condition, (true) is for demo purposes
            RemovedItems.push_back(std::move(*ItemIterator)); // move ownership
            *ItemIterator=nullptr; // set current item to nullptr

        // One of the downsides, is that we have to always check if
        // the current iterator value is not a nullptr
        if (*ItemIterator!=nullptr) {
            // A complex loop where Items collection could be modified

    // After the loop is done, we can now safely remove our objects

    RemovedItems.clear(); // calls destructors on objects

    //finally clear the items that are nullptr
    Items.erase( std::remove_if( Items.begin(), Items.end(),
        [](const std::shared_ptr<Item>& ItemToCheck){
            return ItemToCheck==nullptr;
    }), Items.end() );

The idea here is that we're marking Items container could be effected by outside sources. When an item is removed from the container, it's simply set to nullptr but moved to RemovedItems before that.

Something like an event might effect the Items and add/remove items, so I had to come up with this solution.

Does this seem like a good idea?

È stato utile?


I think you are complicating things too much. If you are a in multi-threaded situation (you didn't mention it in your question), you would certainly need some locks guarding reads from other threads that access your modified lists. Since there are no concurrent data structures in the Standard Library, you would need to add such stuff yourself.

For single-threaded code, you can simply call the std:list member remove_if with your predicate. There is no need to set pointers to null, store them and do multiple passes over your data.

#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

using Item = int;

int main()
    auto lst = std::list< std::shared_ptr<Item> > 

    // shared_ptrs to even elements
    auto x0 = *std::next(begin(lst), 0);
    auto x2 = *std::next(begin(lst), 2);

    // erase even numbers
    lst.remove_if([](std::shared_ptr<int> p){
        return *p % 2 == 0;    

    // even numbers have been erased
    for (auto it = begin(lst); it != end(lst); ++it)
        std::cout << **it << ",";    
    std::cout << "\n";

    // shared pointers to even members are still valid
    std::cout << *x0 << "," << *x2;

Live Example.

Note that the elements have been really erased from the list, not just put at the end of the list. The latter effect is what the standard algorithm std::remove_if would do, and after which you would have to call the std::list member function erase. This two-step erase-remove idiom looks like this

// move even numbers to the end of the list in an unspecified state
auto res = std::remove_if(begin(lst), end(lst), [](std::shared_ptr<int> p){
    return *p % 2 == 0;    

// erase even numbers
lst.erase(res, end(lst));

Live Example.

However, in both cases, the underlying Item elements have not been deleted, since they each still have a shared pointer associated to them. Only if the refence counts would drop to zero, would those former list elements actually be deleted.

Altri suggerimenti

If I was reviewing this code I would say it's not acceptable.

What is the purpose of the two-stage removal? An unusual decision like that needs comments explaining its purpose. Despite repeated requests you have failed to explain the point of it.

The idea here is that we're marking Items container could be effected by outside sources.

Do you mean "The idea here is that while we're marking Items container could be effected by outside sources." ? Otherwise that sentence doesn't make sense.

How could it be affected? Your explanation isn't clear:

Think of a Root -> Parent -> Child relationship. An event might trigger in a Child that could remove Parent from Root. So the loop might break in the middle and iterator will be invalid.

That doesn't explain anything, it's far too vague, using very broad terms. Explain what you mean.

A "parent-child relationship" could mean lots of different things. Do you mean the types are related, by inheritance? Objects are related, by ownership? What?

What kind of "event"? Event can mean lots of things, I wish people on StackOverflow would stop using the word "event" to mean specific things and assuming everyone else knows what meaning they intend. Do you mean an asynchronous event, e.g. in another thread? Or do you mean destroying an Item could cause the removal of other elements from the Items list?

If you mean an asynchronous event, your solution completely fails to address the problem. You cannot safely iterate over any standard container if that container can be modidifed at the same time. To make that safe you must do something (e.g. lock a mutex) to ensure exclusive access to the container while modifying it.

Based on this comment:

// A complex loop where Items collection could be modified

I assume you don't mean an asynchronous event (but then why do you say "outside sources" could alter the container) in which case your solution does ensure that iterators remain valid while the "complex loop" iterates over the list, but why do need the actual Item objects to remain valid, rather than just keeping iterators valid? Couldn't you just set the element to nullptr without putting it in RemovedItems, then do Items.remove_if([](shared_ptr<Item> const& p) { return !p; } at the end? You need to explain a bit more about what your "complex loop" can do to the container or to the items.

Why is RemovedItems not a local variable in the Update() function? It doesn't seem to be needed outside that function. Why not use the new C++11 range-based for loop to iterate over the list?

Finally, why is everything named with a capital letter?! Naming local variables and functions with a capital letter is just weird, and if everything is named that way then it's pointless because the capitalisation doesn't help distinguish different types of names (e.g. using a capital letter just for types makes it clear which names are types and which are not ... using it for everything is useless.)

I feel like this only complicates things a lot by having to check for nullptr everywhere. Also, moving a shared_ptr is a little bit silly.


I think I understand the problem now and this is how I would solve it:

struct Item {
    std::list<std::shared_ptr<Item>> Children;
    std::set < std::shared_ptr<Item>, std::owner_less < std::shared_ptr<Item >> > RemovedItems;
    void Update();
    void Remove(std::shared_ptr<Item>);

void Item::Update()
    for (auto child : Children){
        if (true) { // a complex condition, (true) is for demo purposes
        // A complex loop where children collection could be modified but
        // only by calling Item::remove, Item::add or similar
    auto oless = std::owner_less < std::shared_ptr < Item >>();
    std::sort(Children.begin(), Children.end(), oless ); //to avoid use a set

    auto newEnd = std::set_difference(Children.begin(),
    Children.erase(newEnd, Children.end());

    RemovedItems.clear(); // may call destructors on objects


void Item::Remove(std::shared_ptr<Item> element){
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